Friday, August 15, 2014

Pippa's Party

Pippa's third birthday party was done in Minnie Mouse. She gave me three themes to pick from. Scooby, the Grinch, or Minnie. There are no cute decorations for Scooby so I crossed that off the list first. I hated to have to get all my Christmas stuff out to sort through (I know, lazy mom) but I have to say I was thrilled she gave me that as a choice. How cute is that? I love the Grinch! Minnie was a little generic to me but with hot pink and black and patterns, I knew I could make it cute! And it was! The party was just perfect and we had a great turnout. She got SOOOOO many gifts and they were all so precious! So many princesses and dress up clothes and toys and normal clothes and Barbie and Minnie things. Pink and purple was everywhere! She was so excited opening everything too! 

Minnie greeting guests

Her cake, cupcakes with Minnie ears or Pippa's face with ears and strawberry shortcake kabobs

Banner I found online, free printables are great! 

We made Minnie plates and the plastic ware was wrapped in "bows"

Our Minnie lantern

We had veggies, chips, spinach dip, pasta salad, pulled pork sliders and ham and swiss sliders! 

The Sewell fam

Love this pic!! Precious cousins! 

My perfect birthday girl! 

Waiting to pin the bow on Minnie

Adrian ended up winning! The youngest guy there and he won! 


Frozen shirt! 

A gorgeous tea set that sings! 



This box had princess dresses and jewelry in it

Cute clothes! 

Love this face! She looks too sweet! 

Making her wish and blowing them out! 

This pic is adorable too! Wearing her Ariel dress, in her princess chair, with her tea set. 

And sweet Lucas! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Pippa Turns 3

My sweet baby girl turned 3 on July 22. She was born right at noon! She has stolen my heart and just about everyone else she has encountered! She is crazy. She is gorgeous. She is funny. She is stubborn. She is all girl. She is a drama queen. She has me wanting to pull my hair out during bath time but then has me in tears as I watch her play dress up and put make up on me. The last three years with her have been amazing. She is so slow at everything she does and never seems to be in a hurry. She likes to pick out her clothes a lot and would wear a princess dress and her high heels to school daily if you let her. The sound of that cheap plastic from her shoes on our tile floor never gets old. She loves to eat and could live on Chick-fil-A and bean burritos. She is also on a big ranch dressing kick. She will even dip fruit in it when her veggies are gone. She truly enjoys shopping and will show me stuff when we go out. She loves to accessorize too! Give her bracelets and necklaces and she will be your BFF. To say she loves Frozen is an understatement. She can sing every song on that movie (and usually does with Tia Jenny). She loves icing and will just eat the tops of cupcakes. She says the funniest things and loves to pose, unless you ask her to, then she will just stare at you. She hates being told what to do. She will test you to see what she will get away with. That smile and those eyes are precious, but it doesn't work that well on us anymore. Only Uncle Phil is under that spell still. She has looks that can kill ad will shoot you one when she isn't happy with you. For the longest time, when she didn't get her way, she would pout and cross her arms and say "I not happy!!" She loves to have her nails painted. She would rather stay at home and watch Scooby-Doo than go out. We like to call her "homebody Pippa." She loves to swing and as soon as you get to a park she tells you she wants to swing and will stay in the swing the whole time if you let her. She is pretty tough, but is very dramatic when she thinks it will benefit her. She loves ice cream cones. She loves to swim. She loves playing with Barbies in the bubble bath. She loves all things pink and purple and when she wears dresses or tutus, she says, "I look so boo-tiful!!" Self esteem is not an issue for her. She loves her hairbows but is not a huge fan of pigtails. She always tells me "I just want one pony, not two!" Lol. She loves her sleep. She needs 11-12 hours a night plus her naps or she is no fun to be with. I could go on forever about her. I am so thankful I have my daughter. She is perfect! I wish I could ask my mom if I was this stubborn at times and so dramatic but I feel like I already know the answer. I think that's one of the things I love most about her! I see myself in her a lot and it is the sweetest thing ever. My little Diva Pips. I love tucking her in at night and she hugs my neck and kisses me on the lips. She asks for a baby hug and kiss, which means a light one, a mommy hug and kiss, which is medium, and a daddy hug and kiss, which is a bear hug and a huge kiss. It's become our routine and she mixes up the order of them every night. She always needs a book and some doll or stuffed animal. I can't tell you how many times I have sat by her bed side, just staring at her. She is my wild child and I absolutely adore her. She gives the best cuddles and is very loving. I don't know what I would do without my Mama Lou's! 

For her birthday, I made cupcakes for her to take to school with her that day. We used cherry icing and princess sprinkles! She loved them! I also let her wear whatever she wanted and she chose her Minnie Mouse dress up clothes! She also chose Taco Casa for dinner. She had to have their burritos lol we then headed home for cake and ice cream! 

Too adorable! 

She loves their pink lemonade

This face kills me! 

Loving on daddy and sharing nachos

Blowing out her candles. She took the smallest breaths and took forever to blow them out 

Friday, August 1, 2014

The 4th of July

The 4th is one of my favorite holidays! I love the fireworks, the patriotism, the food and all the fun! It was just going to be a small group of us, but last minute Big Tia decided to come and even more last minute, Jenny and Adrian came! I was soooo excited! We grilled and everyone made sides and got together to eat. The kids did small fireworks and we played games. Around 9 we headed out to watch the fireworks! We took snacks and drinks and the kids had a great time. The fireworks were beautiful and it was a great show! It was a perfect day, except for the ride home with Tia Nette! (inside joke) Seriously though, it was an awesome time! 

The kids at the fireworks store!

My baby all excited! 

Before the kiddos were terrorized lol we bought these ladybugs that we were told just emitted sparks and colors. That thing was crazy loud and shot up and fell behind them. I thought poor Manny was going to be scarred for life! 

Pretty fountains

Me and Pips in our flower crowns! 

The patriotic kiddos

My perfect family! 

The ladies! 

The kid's snack after nap. Berries and greek yogurt covered pretzels

Burgers and sausage

Cucumber salad, pasta salad, deviled eggs (don't get me started)

Beans, red potato salad, jalapeño poppers

Cake! It was great! Has golden Oreos, cheesecake pudding, and berries

The kids with Devin

Manny covering his eyes just in case, still a little traumatized from the previous night

Happy Birthday America! 

My babies with sparklers