Friday, August 1, 2014

The 4th of July

The 4th is one of my favorite holidays! I love the fireworks, the patriotism, the food and all the fun! It was just going to be a small group of us, but last minute Big Tia decided to come and even more last minute, Jenny and Adrian came! I was soooo excited! We grilled and everyone made sides and got together to eat. The kids did small fireworks and we played games. Around 9 we headed out to watch the fireworks! We took snacks and drinks and the kids had a great time. The fireworks were beautiful and it was a great show! It was a perfect day, except for the ride home with Tia Nette! (inside joke) Seriously though, it was an awesome time! 

The kids at the fireworks store!

My baby all excited! 

Before the kiddos were terrorized lol we bought these ladybugs that we were told just emitted sparks and colors. That thing was crazy loud and shot up and fell behind them. I thought poor Manny was going to be scarred for life! 

Pretty fountains

Me and Pips in our flower crowns! 

The patriotic kiddos

My perfect family! 

The ladies! 

The kid's snack after nap. Berries and greek yogurt covered pretzels

Burgers and sausage

Cucumber salad, pasta salad, deviled eggs (don't get me started)

Beans, red potato salad, jalapeño poppers

Cake! It was great! Has golden Oreos, cheesecake pudding, and berries

The kids with Devin

Manny covering his eyes just in case, still a little traumatized from the previous night

Happy Birthday America! 

My babies with sparklers

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