Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday evening, we picked up Phil (he was off) and Tio (Tia and Adrian were out of town) and we went to Primetime! We played in the arcade for a while and debated bowling but I think Monks is still too young for it. I did not take a picture but between everyone playing games, he was able to collect a little over 200 tickets! We also had 600 something saved on a card so he cashed them in for a stuffed lion (the one from Madagascar) and it is about a foot long. He loves that thing! He has been adding it to his bedtime collection each night. He even took it to Tio and Tia’s today! With the leftover tickets, he got this squishy ball and the lady working the counter was nice enough to give him 2 even though he had used up all his tickets. One was for his sister she said. J He proudly handed Pips her ball and she chewed it all evening. We then, after much debating, went to eat pizza. Lol. We tried several places and they were very crowded. The best was Catfish Corner. It was packed and cars were parking in weird spots to go eat there. I guess you had to be there, because it doesn’t sound funny at all but we died laughing for several blocks. I am laughing just thinking about the comments made now. Anyway…..we ate pizza and then went back to our house where we watched TV and just hung out. Pete got off at a decent time and came by and got to chill too. It was a very fun evening.

Pips getting down on sinking ships with Phil

Tio made this collage. How cute is he? Just playing Terminator.

Saturday was just spent at the house. Devin had to work at three so we had a lazy day with the kids. It was so nice. I love days like that. We just ate and played. Pippa also began saying da-da and knows it is tied to Devin. I was asking her where Daddy was and she said da-da, da-da. I got a short video of her yelling it over and over again. Her first word is definitely Dada. It's so sweet to see her say it to him. I know he melts.

Sunday, Pete and Phil came over for lunch and I made this cheeseburger pie I got from Tio and Tia. It seriously tastes just like a hamburger! We loved it. We played Aikman’s fishing game and  he wrestled with the boys. Devin went to work at three again and after naps, I let Aikman play in the back with Apollo and then we went to the front to ride his bike and play with chalk. It was another easygoing day and great way to start the new week!
Dinner. Quesadillas, black beans, guacamole, chips and a banana.

Everyone Loves My Babies

Friday, Devin came to pick me up for lunch and brought the kids. It had been about two months since they had been up here! We of course had to show them off. Pips was all smiles of course and would not stop jumping in people’s arms. Monks wasn’t shy (guess he is used to everyone by now) and he ran up and hugged several of the girls here. One of our Sergeants was making some copies and Aikman shook his hand and said hello sir. It was so cute. We made the rounds through the building and after 35 minutes here, we were hungry and ready to eat. As we were leaving through the front office, another Sergeant was standing there. We told him hi and he couldn’t believe how big Aikman was. He had a big roll of stickers and offered Monks some. He said thank you and we left. We had to stop in the parking lot so he could put them on. He lined them up and down his arms. They looked like a sleeve of tattoos. Lol. Crazy boy loves stickers. Within a few minutes of being in the booth, Pippa was sound asleep. Poor girl, all that smiling and “talking” had worn her out.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pippa is 7 Months!

My Pips is 7 months old! I know I am a day late in posting this but I could not get my blog to work right yesterday. Tio helped me today at work. J At 7 months, she:

-has two teeth (the third broke the skin but is a tiny line through the gum)
-rolls over. This includes front to back and back to front
-sits on her own 90% of the time
-holds her own bottle
-has tried potatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries, bananas and chocolate cake (this is all on daddy and even though he just put it to her mouth, she got a few crumbs in there so I count that!)
-goes to sleep on her own. This one makes me sad for the fact I can’t rock her anymore and she is my last baby but it is a big step to her being independent.
-makes several noises and has said “da-da” more times than I can count. It is not in reference to him necessarily so we don’t know if it counts . If I tell her to say Daddy she says “ah-da-da” and then she will repeat it over and over. Would you count this? If so, both our babies have said da-da as their first word. Oh well, they love me more so I have to give Devin something right? Kidding, kidding.

I am sure there are other milestones she has accomplished and many more she will in the next few weeks! She just kills me and I thinks she even smiles more than Aikman did! I am glad she is a happy baby. She sure is loved and adored by all her family. The thought of raising a girl scares me at times as they seem so vulnerable but I know she will be very confident and know just what she is worth. Having a police officer for a daddy helps too. J Not to mention a big brother, three uncles and a younger cousin who has nearly outgrown her. I won’t get ahead of myself though. I enjoy her so much right now and the thought of my Pips not being here is crazy. It’s pretty hard to imagine us without her. I love holding her in my lap, as she stands there staring at me with those perfect, sparkling eyes and that huge open mouth just smiling and drooling. I will lean in for a kiss and she opens wide and just giggles and leans forward. Those are the best. Happy 7 Months My Pips! Mommy loves you more than anything!

Eating her cantaloupe. She couldn't hold it on her own, it was too slippery so I held it and she would pull my hand toward her everytime I pulled away to let her chew it. Lol. She loved it though!

Weekend Update

Saturday was a rainy day and Devin had to go to work at 3 (he changed shifts for a week) so we had a very lazy yet productive day. Pete and Phil came over and brought us lunch so we ate and watched Cars. After everyone was gone, I spent the whole afternoon cleaning and doing laundry. The house looked so nice. I even tried out a new taco salad recipe I had and Monks and I had that and I made some guacamole to go with it. He ate about half the bowl by himself. Devin doesn’t really get a “dinner break” so he just ran home when it was kind of quiet to grab a bite. We had to laugh but he had been home maybe five minutes and taken three bites of his dinner and then over his radio we heard “shots fired” and so he had to take off. Ahh, the life of an officer. J

How sweet is this pic?

Sunday Devin had taken off since I had a long weekend and we started our day by grocery shopping. We then went shopping and had lunch and spent the whole day running around. We were seriously gone from 10:45 that morning until 6 that evening. That’s a long day! Poor Monks passed out in the car on the way home. We ate a late dinner and put the kids to bed a little early. Devin and I then shared a bottle of Sangria we had bought at Sam’s. It was so good. Yes we finished the whole thing.

Monday was spent celebrating Gigi’s birthday. It was actually on the 16th but this was the only time we could all be together. Working with 6 different work schedules gets tricky but we always manage to make it work. We met at the cemetery and the flowers Pete and Phil had taken Thursday were still perfect looking so we just took balloons. We took three for each of the kids. We had them hold them and then they let them go and we watched them fly away. Aikman of course let his go on his own. For Pips and Adrian, we made them grab the ribbon and then they gradually let theirs go. They were cute to see all three float off instantly. We then went to China Star (one of Gigi’s absolute favorites) and had lunch. It was nice and we all had fun and then headed back to our house for German chocolate cake. The guys had to all work that evening so Tia and I met up and went to the park and it was pretty windy out so we headed to the mall to the play place there. Aikman had so much fun and despite his meltdown when asked to leave, it was fun and worth it. We then ate McDonald’s and then I took the kids home for baths and put them to bed.

Monks new chair from Academy

At the indoor play place. Sorry for the blur.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fun! Fun!

When I went home for lunch yesterday Aikman told me I need a haircut Momma. Devin and I both agreed. I called from work to get him in. We went right after I got off and he was such a good boy. He sat there the whole time and just watched Cars as she cut it. I was so proud of him! He usually does okay until they have to clean around his ears and neck. He doesn’t like his head being held but this time he just turned whichever way she moved him and stared at the TV. It was a new girl who cut it and she was doing a great job. He had this little fade and it was longer on top and then she said she was using a 4 to go over that to clean up any scissor lines. Well when she did all that, it was shorter and looked just almost like a buzz. He still looks super handsome and I do like it, I just liked it better before the 4. Regardless, he looks perfect and was very happy.

After that we decided we needed to eat. Devin asked if we wanted Bueno or Sharky’s. I said oooh Sharky’s! He then asked Aikman and Monks said I not know what Sharky’s are! We both laughed and told him they had burritos and nachos and that he would like it and he said okay, I want beetoes! We then went to Sharky’s and I got him a kids meal with a bean burrito and it comes with chips. My monkey is just like Gigi in that he loves him some guacamole so I got him some on the side. He loved it! They put it in a little cup with a plastic lid and he even picked up the lid and started licking the little bit that stuck to it. Lol.

We then went to Hastings and Target to look for some movies and books. As we drove up 277 we passed the cemetery where Gigi is buried. We had been talking earlier about how today was her birthday and when we drove past Monks waved and yelled Happy Birthday Gigi! I told him that was very sweet and then he said where the birthday cake?? Lol. How sweet is that? Loving his Gigi and some cake! I found 2 books at Hastings for $2.99 each. I was excited! I found so many books I wanted to get and then I would look at the back and they were anywhere from $9.99 to 26.99! For a children’s book?!?! You have to be kidding me! It is crazy how much a book can cost. At Target, Aikman wanted to use his gift card from Horns to buy the movie Cars. He had some money left but could not decide what to get so we are saving it. It was already getting late so we did not look at stuff for Pips so maybe this weekend will be her turn. We then got a treat at Sonic and headed home. It was about 9:30! We put the kids to bed and then watched some TV. I fell asleep with my feet in Devin’s lap and woke up about 11:50 to him watching Cake Boss on Netflix.

Gizmo and a Gremlin

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Song for My Pips


I love this song by Uncle Kracker called Smile and everytime I hear it I think of my Pips. After she was born I knew I would have the same kind of realtionship with her that I had with my mom and I hate so much that my mom doesn't see her or get to know her. Today is my mom's birthday and I was thinking about her coming back from lunch and I started to cry and then this song came on and I couldn't help but think of my Pips right then and how much I love her. I seriously smiled. Enjoy!

A Werewolf Among Us

The other night Pete was off and wanted to come see the kids. We had to run to the store for a few things so I told him to just meet us at the house and then we would all go to the store. We went to HEB and he bought Aikman this white truck. He loves that truck so much and even takes it to bed with him. Poor guy needs a bigger bed now with all the stuff he tries to keep in there. We then went home and ate and Pete had brought over his werewolf mask because Aikman had been wanting to see it. Yes my son is strange yet precious. He was excited to take a pic with Pete in it and then we even put it on him and Pips. It was hilarious. I wondered if Pippa would be scared of it so I put it on me and then leaned by her and began talking to her. Maybe I am the strange one and not Monks. Lol. She immediately started to smile and grab it’s teeth. They had so much fun playing with Pete. They just adore their uncles.

Pips as a wolf

Who knew wolves liked the Cowboys?

Weekend Update

Saturday we woke up and met everyone at Grandy’s for breakfast. It was so good and I could eat their entire pan of bacon and not think twice. How is bacon so good? I wish I would have taken some pics but I was too busy eating bacon. After about an hour and a half there, we headed over to Tio and Tia’s to start on some crafts. We found several ideas on Pinterest and fell in love. Nothing is cuter to me than footprints and handprints. You can never have too many. Monks was easy but Pippa, not so much. Lol. Adrian made some too! We spent hours there making cards, signs and hanging banners. I will take some pics of our masterpieces and post them soon. It was so much fun. Pete and Phil then had to leave as Pete had to go to work and so did Tio. We then went shopping with Tia and Adrian and hung out the rest of the evening. It was so much fun. I am sure you noticed though we have fun anytime we are together! I am so lucky to have an amazing family. I don’t know what I would do without them all!

Tio did get this one pic. This one of my Pips takes the cake. I am in love with it.

Sunday was just spent around the house with the kids. It started to snow about 4:00 and kept on until the middle of the night. It was a very lazy day but nice to just rest. My Lieutenant called me about 10:40 that night to let me know that we were going to open the office at 10 the next morning so I got to sleep in some.

Pre-Weekend Update

Friday night we had planned on celebrating Valentine’s Day (Devin and I) but stuff came up and we weren’t able to. Our Lieutenant let us go about an hour and a half early so I headed home to change and we got the kids ready and went to the park for a little while. It was kind of cool so we decided to just go to the store. We had picked up Phil and we went to the Wal-Mart across town and Devin got something for his patrol car and I found a little dress for Pips and a shirt for Monks. We then headed to Belle’s for dinner. Phil treated us, even though we were celebrating him being promoted at work. After dinner we went home and Pete got off a little early and we just played with the kids and watched TV. I had pulled out all my craft stuff to go through and Aikman found several sheets of stickers in there to play with. I am still finding random stickers in places. Lol.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Early Valentine's Celebration

Last Thursday we had a mini Valentine’s celebration as a family. As soon as I got off work, I went home to change my pants and then we headed to the Grace Museum. We went to each floor and viewed the art and displays and then headed to the Kids Zone there. Aikman loves it there and although it was crowded, it was fun. We played about 35 minutes and then headed to Abuelo’s for dinner. Aikman loves their hot sauce and when it gets too hot he would pant and drink some milk and then go right back to eating it. He also loved the queso. I got him some grilled chicken with rice and beans and he ate over half his plate. We then went to Target to get a few things and then to Dairy Queen for dessert! We just got Aikman a vanilla cone and he sure did love it. Who doesn’t love their ice cream? We then went home and put the kids to bed as it was already 9. It was a fun evening with our family of four and a great way to celebrate. I just love my husband and babies.

Driving the ambulance

Anderson girls

She is sitting up on her own!

Up a tree

Ready to eat at Abuelo's

Getting some hot sauce

He has hot sauce all on his chin lol

His plate

Look at that face. Preciousness.

Think he likes it? Lol. Crazy kid.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

More Silly Conversations

Last night when Devin was getting ready for work Aikman was standing in our room talking to him. I could hear bits and pieces of the conversation. I then heard Devin tell him to come tell me. He walked into Pippa’s room holding his new toy truck Pete bought him and this was our conversation:

Monks: Santa needs a truck.
Me: Santa Clause?
Monks: Yes.
Me: Why does he need a truck?
Monks: Toys.
Me; But he has a sleigh for that so why would he need a truck?
Monks: (shrugs shoulders) um he works hard Momma.

He then walked off into the living room. I was could not stop smiling.

On the way to Mrs. Larissa’s this morning we were stopped at a light and this was our conversation:

Monks: Who is that man momma?
Me: What man?
Monks: right there (pointing to the truck next to us)
Me: I don’t know his name, he is just a man.
Monks: Oh that’s Thomas.
Me: Who is Thomas?
Monks: Daddy friend Thomas.
(he is referring to one of Devin’s friends who works with him and he has a mustache. Aikman has not seen him in about 3 months and this guy had a mustache too)
Me: (laughing) No Monkey, that is not him. He has a mustache though.
Monks: Oh. Well where he going?
Me: I am not sure where he is headed.
Monks: Oh. Maybe work Momma?
Me: Probably.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More Sweet Pics

I love these faces so much!

Our Conversations

The other day we were waiting on Devin to get his glasses fixed and Aikman said he was thirsty. This was our conversation:

Monks: I thirsty momma.
Me: Okay, what do you want to drink?
Monks: A Darth Vader drink.
Me: What is that?
Monks: (shrugs shoulders) um, a drink Momma.

Devin brought me back to work today after lunch and as we turned next the highway we passed Dickie’s, a fairly new BBQ place. This was the conversation:

Monks: Hey, that’s where I get my sausage from!
Me: It sure is. You’re right.
Monks: I am just so smart momma!
Me: (as Devin and I laugh) you most certainly are!
Monks: You’re pretty smart too momma.
Me: why thank you!
Monks: You’re welcome momma.

Miss You Gigi

I absolutely love these pictures.