Saturday, April 12, 2014

Monkey's First Project

My monkey had his first school project! We were so so excited and couldn't wait to find out exactly what we had to do. It was over flat Stanley. He is a popular character in a book that is flat, obviously, so he can go several places and on several adventures. Monks' assignment was to mail him to any family outside of Abilene, and have them take Stanley on an adventure! When we first discussed what had to be done, Aikman said "I am sending him to Kerrville!" Kerrville is Aikman's go to vacation spot lol He wrote a letter to Big Tio and Tia explaining what needed to be done. They received flat Stanley and showed him an awesome time! Big Tio took him to the Kerrville police department with him and Stanley rode in patrol cars. Big Tia took him to Fredericksburg and showed him around and to different parts of Kerrville. They mailed him back about a week later, and emailed me several pictures that they had taken. Stanley then began his adventure to Virginia! Horns and Karen took him around and took him to Washington DC! Stanley got the best history lesson imaginable! Monks was very impressed with the pictures that were emailed to me. He liked seeing Stanley and learning so much! He loves telling us how George Washington was the first president of United States. After Stanley's trip to Virginia, he was sent off to visit Mike, Jenny, and Adrian! He could only stay the weekend, because he was about to be due at school! Tia and Manny showed him an awesome weekend and Aikman loved seeing all the pictures of them together. It was cute having Adrian help out. Once he had all the pictures organized, he was able to fill out his journal. He had to fill in dates, where Stanley went, and what he did. He was very proud of himself and everything he had done. We appreciate everyone who helped him out and helped him make his first school project a huge success! Thanks for being the best family ever! We received about 15 pictures from everyone, so I had Aikman pick his favorites from each place to post here! 

Stanley on the train conducted by Manny.

Stanley bought Monks a superhero sticker and brought it home with him.

Stanley enjoying a yummy dinner.

Stanley's in Fredericksburg!

By the Guadalupe River! 

At the police department.

In Albert Einstein's lap! Aikman was amazed at the size of this statue.

At the White House! 

Visiting the Lincoln Memorial.

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