Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monkey Date

The day before Easter, Devin and I took our sweet Aikman on a monkey date. Pete and Nicole kept Pippa for us, so after dropping her off we went to have lunch at Mr. Gattis, his choice. After a yummy lunch, we headed over to Payless to buy some new chanclas. We had received a flyer in the mail and they showed Captain America flip-flops and he fell in love with him. Being the sweet boy he is, while shopping, he saw some princess flip-flops and suggested we get those for Pippa. When he is not with her, he asks about her or wonders what she's doing. She does the same thing when not with him. How sweet is that? We then headed to the movie theater to see the new Captain America that's out! We were about 20 minutes early, but the line was crazy long. Being Easter weekend, I thought maybe some of those people would be there to see the new God is not Dead or Heaven is Real movies. I was wrong! LOL. Monks and I went to find a seat while Devin waited in the concession line. When we walked in the theater, it was packed! We ended up having to sit in the bottom row, like floor level. It was still a good seat, and my monkey was happy, which is all that mattered. We had popcorn, Icees, and two different types of candy! We were set. The movie was a little over two hours, but Monks enjoyed every minute of it. We did have to take one potty break but that was expected. He had the best time and thanked us afterward. He was so sweet and we enjoyed it so much. We want to make it a monthly thing, alternating between Monkey and Pips dates. Just a little way to spend extra one on one time with our sweet babies. Plus, they love getting to pick where we go eat and what we do. 

Monks in his Captain America shirt and socks. 

At Mr. Gattis! 

Our movie! 

My precious girl going to Pete and Nicole's. 

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