Thursday, December 16, 2010

15 Month Check-Up

Aikman had his 15 month check up on Tuesday. I took him alone for the first time! Is that weird? Devin and I usually go together but he came home from work exhausted and so I made the journey alone. J He usually gets a little shy with Dr. Steadman and the nurses but that day he was game for anyone! He just talked and laughed and even played hide and seek. He ran around laughing in his diaper and socks and was just like a wild boy! He told the nurse bye when she left and when she measured him she said she could not believe how much he has grown! She said she remembers him as a baby. Dr. Steadman had Aikman smiling so much and I guess his stethoscope was cold because when he put it on him, Monks laughed and sucked in his belly. It was funny. He did gag with that crazy stick but come on, who doesn’t? That is the grossest thing in the world! Dr. Steadman said he was “perfect”. Do you know how good that makes you feel as a parent? To know physically your child is healthy and well and happy? Any doubt or second guessing just goes out the window and you know all is okay. My monkey is in the 85th percentile for his weight and he said off the charts for his height. He said he is in no way overweight because he is in perfect proportion.

Weight: 27 pounds 11 ounces
Height: 34 inches

He did get 2 shots and the nurse talked sweetly to him as she had him laying down and he was munching on a carrot wagon wheel snack. He was smiling and talking and then that first stick he stopped eating and just looked up at her like hey but then the second one came and he scrunched his face up and made a noise and that lip quivered but she sat him up and put on his cool band aid and had him smiling in no time. No tears were shed. Success. He goes back for his 18 month check-up which will be in March.

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