Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Teeth = Not Fun

     I know I sound like a broken record but Monks has 6 teeth coming in right now and some are through the skin, some right under and little spots on his gums are swollen. Several side effects can come with getting new chompers. They include: drooling (which can lead to a facial rash) gum swelling and sensitivity, irritability or fussiness, biting behavior, refusing food and sleep problems. Some experts also say teething can cause runny nose and diarrhea, due to extra saliva and drainage in their tummies. Dr. Steadman says it occurs a lot in the kids he sees and he is our expert so I agree. J When Devin picked up monks yesterday from the sitter she said he had had three loose stools in the last two hours but she knew Devin was coming soon and he had no fever and was still happy as could be so she did not worry. In the evening when I got home he was still having diarrhea and it was about every thirty minutes to an hour we had to change him. He would not eat so we got him some Pedialyte. Have you ever tasted it? It is like straight sugar water with Dimetapp mixed in (the grape flavor I bought). Yuck! I have always tasted everything since he was born before I give it to him. I sort of wish I hadn’t this time. He loved it though! He chugged it! I only gave him that and water. We went to check on Gigi since she was feeling bad too and at least it made her smile for him to walk in and give her a kiss. While we were there, he was tooting a lot and I knew he would go soon. I guess he was feeling sore by now, bless his sweet heart, and when he tooted it sounded like a machine gun so his two uncles laughed at him and through the pain and embarrassment he cried. It was so sad. He would not eat his dinner and hated sitting on his bottom. I can’t blame him. Bath time was like heaven for him and he enjoyed it so much. I bet it felt great on those sweet cheeks. Poor monkey. After his bath, we had some time before bedtime so he played in the living room and danced to all the groups who sang on The Sing Off. He was adorable. I have two videos of him dancing on my phone. He is also so smart! He was not comfortable sitting down and only wanted to stand so he went in his room and got out his learning table and pushed it into the living room. I was shocked, he has not played with this thing in months. Then I realized he wanted to stand and play, not sit. Smart boy! He also had books he looked at standing by the couch and brought out a little toy with balls in it that spins so he could watch them. I did not give him any milk before bed but he went right to sleep. He slept all night and when he woke up this morning was all smiles and crazy hair! He was happy when I dropped him off with Mrs. Jennifer and reached to her to be picked up. I did not get a call today so that means he did well! I am just glad he is better.

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