Thursday, December 2, 2010

Building Vocabulary!

Aikman has been talking so much lately! He has always been a talker and some type of gibberish comes out but he is repeating a lot and knows the meaning to so much it amazes us! He says on a regular basis: Hi, Bye or Bye-Bye, No, Yeah, Mama, Dad or Dada. He has started saying Apollo! He of course can’t say it properly and says “Paw-yoh” He will yell it repeatedly from his crib until Apollo sits in his doorway and when we come into the house and Apollo greets us at the door he says his name. It is the sweetest thing!

He also understands so much. When we say we are going somewhere he goes to the door, he knows what his shoes are and where they go on his body. He knows where his teeth are and what it means to brush your teeth. When we ask if he is ready for a bath, he will go to the bathroom and he tries to pull his pants down or take off his shirt. When we ask if he is ready to change his diaper he goes to his room to the changing table. He points at things he wants and knows where Gigi keeps her candy. When he eats something he likes he nods his head several times like oh yeah, this is great and makes the sweetest face. When we put him down in bed, he lays down but then when you walk out he gets back up and I always walk out telling him good night and I love him and he yells bye to you several times until you tell him bye back and then lays down. His old arch nemesis the iron pig at Gigi’s now gets a pat on the back every time he walks in her house. Every. Time. He loves to dance and when certain songs come on the radio he will bob his head, move side to side, or do fist pumps. He loves the popular Usher song on the radio, LOVES Keshia, loves Katy Perry, loves the song on the commercial for an I Pad where it is like a piano key playing-he will come from another room if he hears it to dance, and Gigi’s new peanut butter song. I am sure there are things I am forgetting but he does hilarious things all the time! He is very smart and I love watching him figure stuff out. He is learning how to get on and off his Buzz car and his horse on his own. This is such a fun age!

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