Friday, November 19, 2010

Music To My Ears

When we left Gigi’s we went to put gas and I told Devin (we are not coffee drinkers) that I wanted for some reason a flavored coffee. He said that does sound kind of good so we thought where can we go and the only place we could think of was Starbucks. So we went and I got a Peppermint Mocha one and Devin got a Caramel Brulee one. Both were very yummy! Driving home we needed singing music and every radio station we put it on had talking so I turned on my CD I had, which was Elton John, and we sang! Devin was remixing the words to make something ugly so I was singing louder than him and Monks was making lots of noise and Devin said I think he is tired of hearing your voice and laughed and I said please, this voice used to always sing him to sleep and Devin said I guarantee he just wanted you to stop so pretended he was asleep. Jerk J When we turned on our street, we swear Monks told Devin to slow down. It was so funny. Devin said okay handsome, sorry.

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