Friday, September 7, 2012

A Letter For My Pips

I had every intention of finishing writing and posting this right after Pippa's first birthday but time got away from me.

Pippa Lous. Pips. Pipsqueak. Where do I even begin? How do I put into words how much I love you? I loved you before I even met you of course, but that love multiplied by the thousands when I saw you for the first time. I knew what to expect this time around so I was more laid back with your birth. You were the prettiest baby and everyone commented on how beautiful you were. They still do! You were a really good baby but we saw some of your personality early on. I remember you would get mad if something wasn't just how you wanted and you wouldn't let up until you got your way. It could be something as simple as a light being too bright or you wanted to eat on the right side instead of the left. Mercy you gave us a run for our money but your cuteness outweighed your attitude and we couldn't help but adore you and give in. I have to be honest it was extremely hard welcoming you into this family without your Gigi. And then add the loss of your grandpa just a couple of months after you arrived and it was beyond crazy. If they could see you now baby girl, they would be absolutely smitten, especially your gramps! Sometimes when I look at you and we lock eyes and stare at each other, I swear I see my mom. You look like her at times and remind me of her and it is bittersweet. It breaks my heart thinking about what could have been or the adventures the three of us would have had. I will keep their memory alive for you though for all your life, I promise. Your first year flew by. I get sad at times since you are my last baby, but you have been so much fun to watch. I love everything about you. Physically you are absolutely adorable. You have a gorgeous face, the sweetest hair that now curls in the back, the most precious little feet and the chubbiest little thighs. I love the way your skinny jeans look on you even if everyone else loathes them. I could kiss you all over and usually do. You love giving kisses too so it's perfect! Your personality kills me. We joke and call you "Diva Pips" since you can be so demanding. You constantly smile and love the camera. You love to wave and blow kisses. You have started doing this thing where if you are in a stroller or basket you put your arm up and kind of cup your hand and wave slowly at things and people. It is really like you are in a parade. You know you're precious and make an entrance. You laugh so much and if someone just looks at you, you get this huge cheesy smile on your face. You love to be tickled and play like we are going to get you. You still love peek-a-boo. You adore your big brother and are always following him around. he loves you right back and I melt every time you are together. He is very protective of you and I pray that he always is. No one messes with his Pippas. He has also made you pretty tough. He is constantly hugging you and loving on you or throwing toys to you, not realizing you can't catch. You rarely cry from falling or being hit and I love that. My little tough girl. You can be pretty mean too when you want to be. I will never forget the time in Kerrivlle when Adrian had your hair and pulled you near the ground and you just bent over and let him do it. Once he let go and you stood up, you seriously turned to him and put your hands around his neck and choked him. It was so cute as bad as that may sound. You get very emotional though and if we put you in your highchair without something to eat, you will cry like we dropped you and as soon as you get food, the tears stop and you look at us with red eyes and wet cheeks and say "yeah!" I have never seen anyone produce tears faster than you and never seen anyone turn them off like that. Drama queen! You recently started walking and are really good at it. The funny thing is you can walk and probably could have before your birthday, but you can be lazy at times. Tio called you "no bones Pippa" for the longest time because when we would stand you up, you just lifted your legs or let them collapse, not even trying to stand on your own. You wanted to be carried and knew someone would carry you! Stubborn sweet girl. You constantly make us laugh or smile. One of your favorite things to do that makes you laugh hysterically is not say momma. I ask you to say mama and you smile and go dada. You will go back and forth with me and when I get louder and faster, so do you. Such a punk! You do it on purpose, i just know it! I have heard you say momma once. Once! It is hilarious to hear you. You love music and love to dance. You even tried singing recently and have this little high pitch voice and just make noises but you do it to the music. You love food and we joke you are the first one we give food to but the last one eating when we have dinner. You eat pretty much anything, but your absolute favorite things include blueberries, bananas, carrots, peas, Nutri-grain bars, spaghetti, bologna, macaroni and cheese and tomatoes. We fall more in love with you as each day passes. I really never thought i could love another baby the way I loved your big brother and then I saw you. You instantly stole my heart and I love you so much. More than words can ever say. You do something to me no one else can and I feel something for you I never felt before.  I love nothing more than holding you in my arms and kissing your sweet face over and over again. We are going to have so much fun together. You are my world Pippa Lous and I thank God everyday that he gave me you. You make me smile when no one can. That is why I chose the song Smile by Uncle Kracker for you. When I hear that song I think of you. Happy 1st year Pippa! You are my sunshine and I adore you.

Love you like crazy,

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