My weekend started early. I woke up at 3 in the morning on
Friday to Pippa burning up with a 101 fever! I tried to give her Motrin but she
was so upset and not feeling well that she threw up. I took the day off to take
her to the doctor. Her pediatrician closes at noon on Friday’s so I was put on
a waiting list but they never called. I had to take her to a walk in clinic.
She had 100.8 temp while we were there. I was told her ears looked great but
that her throat was a little red so they wanted to swab it. She had strep. So
sad. Once I got her antibiotic in her and she took some Motrin before bed, she
seemed to be better. She woke up Saturday as happy as could be. I think having
the fever break was a huge help. She of course is still on her antibiotic but
was so much better all weekend.
Saturday, Devin had taken off because we were going to go to
a wedding. I wasn’t sure that would still happen with Pips being sick, so it
was up in the air all day. We did head out to a park that morning, as it was so
nice out. The kids had a lot of fun and we came home for lunch and naps. We
felt like Pippa was feeling well enough to have our sitter come on over.
Jennifer from my work came and kept them. We left at 3:15 for the wedding and
the kids napped until 5 so she only had to be with them until 6:30. We figured
an hour and a half wasn’t too long. I have to brag. Jennifer said they were
awesome and so well behaved. She said Aikman was so funny and talked really
well for his age and she said she understood everything he said to her. She
said Pippa was so sweet and cuddly and always went to hug her. She said she
would sit on the floor between her legs and go get a toy and then sit down in
front of Jen and scoot back until her back touched her. Lol. Precious. I told
her not to worry about feeding them but that they could have a snack if they
wanted it. She said she went to get Pippa a banana and when she saw it, she
started squealing and put her arms up to picked up to get in her highchair.
Lol. She did say that one time Aikman was patting Pippa on the back and she
said Pippa wasn’t bothered by it at all but she told him “be careful with sissy”
and she said he stopped and looked at her and said “hers name not sissy. Her
name is Pippa!” Lol. Jennifer said he said it like um, come one, you know us! Too
cute. Jennifer does know them well and she said she thought maybe with the kids
waking up and her being there that it might catch them off guard and she didn’t
want them scared but she said they both were excited to see her and never asked
where we were. I am so glad our kids feel comfortable with her. Devin and I did
have a good time and we did get to eat at the reception some delicious bbq. We
had to leave as the bride and groom got there though so we said our congrats
and goodbyes and left. It was still nice to get away and be semi dressed up. When
we got home and Jennifer left, we decided to go to the mall just to get out of
the house. Plus, we looked nice lol. We ate dinner and walked around window

She loves crawling in these tunnels |
Yes, the only pic from the wedding. Lol. Our food. |
Sunday was Devin’s 30th birthday!! I can’t
believe he is 30! That is so exciting! We didn’t celebrate it yet but Monks and
I did make him a cake and we had three candles left at the house so one for
each decade works right? We just hung out together and we went to the zoo! We
are going to have to renew our membership when it runs out in October. We love
it! It was cloudy and oh so nice. This rainy cool weather is my absolute
favorite! We all wore our Cowboys gear (although they broke our hearts Sunday).
We still looked great! We just hung out at the house after the game and Tia and
Adrian came over and I made KFC bowls and Frito pie. Our kids were all kind of
crazy lol but it was fun. The kids were loud, running around, rolling falling down
steps, eating everything and I think Adrian spilled every cup he could get his
hands on. Gotta love it. At least our babies are healthy and happy and we have
a fun family!
Aikman loves feeding giraffes and he is good at it now. |
Pointing to animals. |
Oh my gosh, this jaguar was crazy! He wanted to eat my monkey! He just stared at Monks here and of course Aikman was so happy to be so close and then he put his hand on the glass and the jaguar tried to bite it! He was putting his paw on the glass and trying to claw at him. He then stood on his back legs and roared and clawed the glass where Aikman was. Monks never got scared or anything and just loved him, but Devin and I were like um, thank God for that glass!
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