Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Silly Stories

My Pippa is officially walking now! She had taken a step or two before but this past weekend, she just decided to walk from couch to couch, Aikman’s room to the living room, from the hall to the bathroom and into the kitchen. She is the cutest thing to watch. She has her arms up some, but not crazy like Aikman did when he learned. I called her for her bath the other night and she walked around the corner into the bathroom and walked up to the tub. Can you say precious? My gosh I love her to pieces!

The other night when I tucked Aikman in bed, we were saying his prayers and talking about my mom and dad. He said remember when Grandpa lived at the airport? I laughed and said he worked on airplanes. He said oh, why he do that job? I said because he liked helping people when their planes broke and he loved airplanes. He said did he use a screwdriver to fix them? I said I would imagine he used lots of tools to fix them. He said oh and was sitting up in bed and looked down at his hands. He then turned to me and said think he got sweaty? I laughed and said I am sure he did, he worked outside and where he lived was very hot. That was an adorable story. I will never forget it.

Monks wears a diaper only at night and he had two sample pull ups so I thought we might as well use them. One was Cars and had Lightning McQueen and Mater. Of course he loved it. The next night, I thought we might as well use this other one. It was a Cinderella one and its trim was pink. I pulled it out of the drawer and went to put it on him. He was standing up and said “I not wear that one with a lady on it!” I said monkey it is just for overnight. It had one of the mice on the butt part and I said look a little mouse and he said “yeah, its brown.” He said it like yeah, not impressed lol. I then said well you are wearing it tonight and you will be fine so put it on. As he lifted his leg to put it on he said “you gonna kill me momma.” I died laughing. He is so crazy and says the funniest things.

Monday when Pippa woke up from her nap, she was playing in the living room. I had the TV on and was watching Jurassic Park but I had it turned all the way down. It was near the end and it was at the part where the raptors were about to get them but in comes the T-rex and saves them and they run out. When that T-rex came in, it caught Pippa’s eye and she stood there watching. She seriously laughed out loud and squealed with excitement. It was hilarious. My little baby girl laughing at this movie. 

1 comment:

  1. awww, they grow up so fast!!! glad everyone is feeling better. :o)
