I am so behind in posting this and I only have a few
pictures now, Big Tio and Tia Nett took pics with their camera so when I get
them, I will post them. Saturday the 25th was Aikman’s party. We
busted our butts in the evening during the week finishing some last minute
decorations. Friday I stayed up until 1:30 decorating and setting everything up
so that come Saturday all I had to do was mop and vacuum and get food ready. I
even made the cutest capes with each kid’s initial on the back and masks. Our
menu was created by Monks and all his favorite foods. We had small sandwiches,
sausage on a stick, corn dogs, macaroni and cheese, a veggie tray, fruit kabobs
with dip, chips, popcorn, pickles, Captain America and Hulk jello and
twizzlers. We also had an Avengers cake with vanilla and mint chocolate chip
ice cream. Saturday morning when Devin got off I did not let him sleep, I put
him to work and then we got ready to go do some last minute shopping. We ran
around all morning and went home about 12:30 and ate lunch and then put the
kids down for their naps. We had some presents to wrap and I needed to start on
the jello and we had to decorate the cake. Yes, we did it ourselves. Pete came
over and helped us. It came out perfect! I loved it. The party started at 5:30
and at 4:35 we heard Monks in his room cough and then he started to cry really
hard. We went in there and he was standing up, throwing up. I immediately
freaked and started to clean (I hate cleaning puke from carpet, not because I
think it is gross but because I don’t feel it is clean until we shampoo it) and
Devin took him to the bathroom to clean him up. We began to panic because
Adrian had had a stomach virus earlier that week and we ended up keeping the
kids home from Tia’s Wednesday and Thursday to be sure they didn’t get sick
with the party coming up. This was Saturday and an hour before the party! I
told Devin I would start calling people and he said no, just wait maybe he just
had indigestion or something and I thought okay, you’re right (wishful thinking).
I finished cleaning his room and taking sheets off the bed and I went to finish
getting the food ready on trays. He came in the kitchen and saw the pickles and
asked for one. I gave him one with a Capri Sun. He took one bite and said eww,
I not like this. Devin and I looked at each other. Monks LOVES pickles so much.
I was trying to remain positive so had him sit on the couch with his drink. He
then ran to the bathroom and puked again. I began to cry, Aikman was crying,
Devin was comforting both of us lol and I started to make the calls. It was so
sad because he was so excited about his Superhero party and he was upset and
asked me through tears when I got off the phone “why you tell people not come
to my party?” Poor baby. I was so upset. Mad, disappointed, sad. It just sucked
all around. Big Tio and Tia Nett had come in town for it, so I did not call any
family. We put Aikman in the room to watch Cars and lay in our bed. We thought
we would quarantine him. They all showed up and we had to explain to them what
happened. We had all the food out and ready to go (Tio and Tia finished the
sandwiches for me) so everyone decided they wanted to stay and still enjoy the
party. They also told us to bring him out of the room and he could lay on the
couch. He was excited seeing everyone although he would occasionally have to
get up to go puke. It was about 5:45 when Pippa woke up from her nap and Devin
went in to get her and called me in. I walked in and she was standing up with
puke in her hair and all down the front of her dress. Wow. Devin took her to
bathe her and Tio cleaned up and stripped her bed. Sigh. Both kids threw up
throughout the evening. We still played our “Pin the Chest piece on Thor” but
never got around to Mexican Bingo. Monks even ate a little bit. Monks did enjoy
opening his presents though. He got the cutest monkey hat, a Magna Doodle, a
Cars jacket, a bike, Iron Man and Spiderman figures, books, cars, a gift card
to Toys R’ Us, a football and money. He is so sweet when opening presents
because he does it slowly and puts all the trash in a little pile. It is like
he doesn’t want to tear it.
Everyone left around 8 and we put the kids to bed. Devin and
I were in bed by 9 but up from 1-3:30 with sick babies. Luckily Pippa never
threw up in the night, she just ran high fever and was miserable. Monks threw
up and had fever but luckily by the next morning, neither threw up anymore!
They took a four and a half hour nap Sunday and it poured for hours so I think
that made for even better sleeping weather. I was off that Monday for a holiday
and glad I was as Devin and I woke up sick that day. Big Tio came down with it
that day also. Phil and Tia Nett got sick the next day and Pete felt sick that
Thursday. Yep, we spread it to everyone. Craziness! I can’t tell you how much I
cleaned and how many loads of laundry I did. All that matters is it is far
behind us. Tia Nett told me it was official, I was a mom and these things happen.
She said you can’t control everything and things can change like that with
kids. She is so right. At first I was a little sad still Monks didn’t get to
enjoy his party, but you know what? He did enjoy himself. Yes, he was having to
go to the bathroom to puke but he still smiled and still laughed and LOVED his
gifts. We will have all these memories now. We can laugh about it now. Happy 3rd
Birthday Monkey!
Pippa feeling miserable at the party. She never just lays still on you. |
This is definitely my daughter lol she looked like the pic above, but when the flash went off, she smiled. |
Sunday morning playing with his Magna Doodle. Please ignore his crazy dirty feet lol |
Pippa trying to walk |
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