Friday, August 31, 2012

Aikman's 3 Year Check-Up

Monks had his three year check up the other day. It went extremely well, as expected. I thought he was getting a shot this time around so we built him up for it so he wouldn’t be scared at all. He never cried as a baby when he got them and the nurses always thought he was so tough. We kept showing him what it would feel like and I told him he could do it and be a big boy. He asked me if he would cry and I said no, I don’t think you will. He then told me that Pippa cries when she gets them and I said yes, but Pippa is a baby and a drama queen and you’re my big boy. We waited and of course he had to do every puzzle in the room. He moved so much on that little paper on the table it was all bunched up. The nurse came in to weigh him and see how tall he was. Devin went out in the hall with him while Pippa and I stayed in the room. He said he was 39 inches tall (that’s over a yardstick!) and Devin said he missed his weight but I am pretty sure he is around 40 pounds. Dr. Steadman then came in and Aikman was just talking away. We were in the game room and it has Candy Land painted all on the walls. He was talking about the characters and how silly they were and Dr. Steadman was just agreeing with him. When he listened to him breathe, he was sitting up on the edge of the table and looking right at me. He had the goofiest face and I tried so hard not to laugh. Aikman saw me and said super loud “hey what’s so funny momma??” I said nothing, you are just silly. We asked some questions and Aikman just sat there quietly. We were finishing up and the doctor went to leave and Aikman said hey, where’s my poke? He was referring to his shot and come to find out, you get them when you are 4, not 3. We hyped him up for nothing. Poor little guy was actually disappointed he did not get a shot. He then got very excited because he got a sticker and a lollipop instead. Pippa got a sticker too just because. J One of the nurses always talks about how pretty their eyes and how long their eyelashes are and she always jokes with monks to give her his eyes. He always laughs but he has some nervous sound to it like is she serious? Lol. Pippa was just smiling at everyone and blowing kisses. Of course they find her absolutely adorable. I love that office so much. Such great people. 

Looking out the window
Waiting for doctor, being silly. 

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