Wednesday, August 29, 2012

He Pooped, He Pooped!

I have got to share this and I know I am behind on it, but Tuesday, the 21st when Aikman woke up, he pooped in the potty!! The day after he turns three he goes! It was his first time and we were so so excited. He sleeps in a diaper at night only and when he wakes up, he is in the habit now of taking his diaper off, going pee and putting on his underwear. He did that and I was in the room and I heard him outside the bathroom door kind of grunting. I said do you need to poop and he said yes so I said hurry, get on the potty! He took off his underwear in a hurry and a little had already come out, but as soon as he sat down, the rest did and he just looked at me and smiled like I did it! I of course was almost in tears and he finished, flushed the toilet and washed his hands. I hugged him and the first thing he said to me was “that not so scary, I please get my cars now?” Lol. I agreed there was nothing scary about it and then handed him his cars. It is the same pack of cars we bought him the day we bought his underwear so it has been almost a month that he just had to stare at them and hold them in the box. We immediately ran in to tell Devin and he was so excited too. We then opened his cars and texted everyone that he had done it! I was so proud of him. He has the peeing down and is so cute when we are out and he tells us “I need to go potty.” I love those words. He has not pooped in the potty since, but that is progress and a huge step for my big boy. We are still working on it and I know it is just a matter of time before he does it on a regular basis. Congrats monkey, we are so proud of what a big boy you are and how much you have accomplished! 

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