Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Potty Update!

I have a few posts to get caught up, but I could not wait to post about the progress my monkey has made with potty training! Yesterday (Monday) marked a full week for him. He has done insanely well. I would say he has the peeing down. He did not have any accidents all weekend (and we did running around) and even stayed dry during nap time! We take him about every 30-40 minutes and that is perfect for now. He goes in the big toilet to pee, we have him stand on his little potty and he goes and then loves to flush it himself and then he turns for me to give him a squirt of soap and then washes his hands in the tub. I need to get him a stool so that he can reach the sink on his own but until then, the tub still gets them clean. We still do the diaper overnight but as soon as he gets up, he takes it off and pees in the toilet and then we put on underwear for the day! He still has yet to poop in the potty. We figured the big potty was intimidating to him so we set him on his little potty for 20-30 minutes after each meal to go but nothing yet. We set Devin’s phone on the edge of the tub propped up and Aikman either watches Fresh Beat Band on Netflix or plays games on the phone. He laid down for his nap the other day and then I heard him calling me and I went in and he was standing in the middle of the floor and said I went poop. I said okay, let’s go to the bathroom and clean up. He then began to cry and apologize and I made sure he knew I was in no way mad at him. We emptied the contents into the toilet and he flushed it. We talked about how that is where the poop belongs and I know he understands, it’s just that first time going that is uncomfortable to him. He will get there though, I know it. We even have a prize for him that he picked out and it sits in the bathroom for when he poops in the potty. He knows he gets it when he goes. He looks at it and even asks to hold it at times as he sits there. The other day when he peed in the toilet and went to flush he stopped and was staring at something. I said what are you doing and he sighed and said just looking at these cars. I said they are all yours when you go poop in the potty and he said I know momma but I just want to look at them. He stared at the package for about a minute and then flushed. I am slowly breaking him down lol I also bought snack size bags of gummi bears, several hot wheels and some Gushers to put in a bag and each time he poops (after the first time) he will get to pick something. Just a little incentive until he gets the hang of going in the toilet. Anyone have any advice? I am so proud of him and I love how he wants his underwear on and goes without hesitation in stores. I told Devin last night that I see him a little different now. Something about the huge transition from diapers to underwear. I am sure the girls at work are tired of me telling them on a daily basis, we were accident free today!! Lol. I think I am going to buy a few cards and then have everyone write something in them about how proud they are of him and then drop one in the mailbox each day. He loves stuff like that. Anyway, I am so excited and can’t say enough about my big boy. He is amazing and so so smart. Congratulations Monks, no one is more excited for you than me! I love you! 

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