Monday, December 10, 2012

My Pips

Pippa is my crazy-sensitive-dramatic-demanding-gorgeous-silly baby girl. I am telling you all she kills me! I am so in love with her and I am not sure if it is because when I look at her I see my mom or because when she shows her personality, I see me. Lol. She gets spankings and will test you to the max. She will normally listen very well. When she wants to play games though, she won’t stop until she sees you get up to come after her and then she stops doing whatever she was doing and smiles at you and runs. Stinker.

When you ask her if she is ready for her bath, she lifts her shirt up and starts walking toward the bathroom.

When you ask her if she is ready for bed and to go get her bottle, she will go in the kitchen and point at where her bottles are kept and wait while you put milk in it.

She does her “pretty girl.” We ask her “let me see a pretty girl” and she will tilt her head to the side and smile and lift one shoulder up. She loves to pose for pictures too.

She loves waving at people and was in the basket at HEB while we unloaded groceries just waving to a lady in her car driving by. The lady waved back and said she was just adorable! She will wave to everyone she passes. A few are lucky enough to get kisses blown to them.

She is obsessed with dogs (real ones, stuffed ones, on TV) you name it, she loves them. She will point and say dog! Hi dog! Hi dog! We pass them in stores on the toy aisle and she wants to hold one. If we give her one to see, she hugs it and kisses it and smashes her face on the side of its body. If we keep walking and don’t stop she will shriek at us and point like hey, wait! Sometimes that ends in a spanking and no dog holding. She also adores stuffed animals. Any type she loves to hug and squeeze and lay on. The bigger, the better. 

She will say Gigi. She does not know who that is yet but she will say it when I tell her about her or show her a picture. She just smiles about G-Bo. She hasn’t mastered that one yet. At least she loves classic rock music like he did. 

She loves music and to dance. When she dances, she puts one arm out and kind of has it back a little and will turn in a circle while bouncing at her knees. Devin dances like that. Just kidding.

She finally got some boots! Devin found them at Target. Yes, Target. The store I wanted to go to the first time, and Devin said no, babe, they won't have them. Yep, well they did! He was there with the kids one day and then they came to get me for lunch and she had them on. They are brown and zip up the side. He paid $27 for them, which is way more than I would have but she did look precious in them. She is beyond adorable in them! She looks like such a big girl. 

She is so much fun and I can’t wait for Christmas with her. Her wish list was very long this year. Wink. Wink. A girl can never have too many things! 

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