Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday, we went to dinner with Tio, Tia and Adrian at Genghis Grill. It was then off to the State School for the Christmas Lane displays! As soon as we drove in the gates, we unbuckled the kids and put them up front by us. They loved sitting in Devin’s lap and looking at everything. We then went to one of the buildings where Santa was inside and to see the decorations. They normally have a huge room with dolls that move and Christmas characters and a train but due to construction in one room, they didn’t have it this year. There was only Santa inside and the line was crazy long and Devin had to be at work soon so we couldn’t wait. We left and finished the tour and then went by McDonald’s to get my monkey some Peppermint Hot Chocolate. I was good and just took one tiny sip of it. It was amazing! He loved it so much and we poured it in a mug and let him add marshmallows to it. He was in heaven as he watched a Christmas movie before bed. We will go back out to take the pic with all three kids on a night Devin is off.

Talking to Santa. You pick up phone at the "North Pole" and someone answers and Aikman said "Is this Santa" and then when he came on, Monks got embarrassed and hung up. Lol. 
His peppermint hot chocolate. He added the 27 marshmallows you see lol 

Saturday, the kids and I hung out and played until Devin woke up at noon. We then went swimming! Swimming? Yes swimming! We joined the YMCA about a week ago and are definitely going to enjoy the pool they have! The kids loved it so much and I loved not having to put sun screen on them being that it is indoors. It was a huge Olympic size pool with lanes to swim laps and then a deep end, a “normal” section and a kiddie one that started at 3 feet. They also have several noodles, life jackets and other flotation devices you can use. We took the kids floaties so they were good. Pippa kept waving up at the life guard and would blow the occasional kiss and Monks enjoyed watching the life guard chase a squirrel out of the building. She would try to growl or yell at it and then it would run one way and she would have to go the other way to get it. Finally she got it out and our entertainment was over. I even took a break to go look around the locker rooms and I sat in a sauna! Man it was nice. I look forward to sitting in there after a workout. I have never been in there but once in my entire life and I don’t even remember what it was for. It was so neat! After two hours there, we went by Sonic to grab the kids a corndog and Devin and I got a grilled chicken sandwich. The kids and Devin then took naps. I watched The Santa Clause as I started decorating the tree. Swimming wore everyone out as they did not wake up until 6:30! Monks helped me finish the tree while Devin made us some dinner. It was then bath time and then the kids played until about 9.

Pippa was smiling forever and then when I finally get my slow phone to take the pic she is mad at me that I won't let her grab her cheerios in the bag. 
Our tree!
Sunday when Devin came home from work, we made breakfast and hung out. We then got ready to go to the store. We went to HEB and then to Target. We had a huge cold front come in and it was so windy and cold out. We stayed in the rest of the day. Monks wanted to swim again but since it was so cool out, I hated to get everyone bundled up in jackets and gloves and hats over a bathing suit. We just watched the Cowboys and did some shopping online for my monkey while the kids napped. When everyone woke up, we watched The Avengers (I had only seen half of it). Devin made us an awesome dinner of barbecue chicken, brown rice and broccoli. The kids had thirds! We ate while we watched. Aikman was so funny and kept telling me he was the Hulk. He would even quote him. Towards the end, during the big fight scene, he had to run and get his gun to play with them but could only find his sword so stood up in the middle of the floor for about thirty minutes swinging it and helping the Avengers defeat Loki. He is all boy that’s for sure! Too funny! We then watched Prep and Landing, a super cute miniseries about Santa’s elves. Very fun weekend.

Posing before we went to the store. Lol. Mr. Cool. 

She just had a peppermint pattie. Lol. 
Avenging the world alongside his heroes...

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