Saturday for lunch is when we celebrated Phil! He requested
lasagna and carrot cake. He came over about 12:15 and we ate together and then
he opened his present. We bought him new work shoes since his other ones were
falling apart. We had cake and ice cream and were stuffed. He was there about 2
hours and then had to leave to get ready for work. It was a short celebration
but much deserved! We are crazy proud of Phil and his newest promotion, GM of
the Bueno across town! GM! You work so hard Phil and it is about time it is all
recognized. Happy Birthday! Love you!
Did it all in one breath! |
I added the pepperoni's for a twist! |
how have we never thought about pepperoni's on top before?!! From now on, I will NEVER eat lasagna again unless it is topped with pepperoni!