Devin purchased me an hour long massage for Saturday morning.
I was so excited. And then I remembered the parade for the Fair and Rodeo was coming
up. I asked her if we could shorten it and break it up into two 30 minute
sessions and she was like of course! So, after a wonderful massage, I was
picked up and we headed to the parade! It was super hot, but it was fun! The
kids enjoyed it and although Pips got tired at the end, she still enjoyed it.
The highlight was our whole family high fiving the Cougar mascots as they
walked by! We then headed to Sonic for a drink and then it was off to the
Halloween store! Monks had seen the sign go up and kept asking when we would
go. It wasn’t as fun as he had imagined. My sweet boy, who lives for Halloween,
was terrified of most everything in there. He even asked us if we could just
leave. Pips loved it all! We stayed away from the scary stuff and he picked out
his costume. He had his heart set on being Batman, and so he is! I was kind of
surprised out of all the superheroes we saw, he had to be Batman. Oh well, he
looked precious in his costume. We then had lunch and headed home for naps. The
kids were tired. After their naps, we went to HEB to get stuff for Sunday! We
were having a little party and everyone was coming over. Pete had to work till
9 but we knew he would come. We then stopped by this little BBQ truck we always
see and got some sandwiches. We took them to the park to eat and then the kids
played. It was nice outside and they ran around for a good hour. It was then
home for baths and bedtime while Devin and I prepped our meal for Sunday. I
made the jalapeno poppers and a cherry cheesecake and sopaipilla cheesecake and
Devin made ribs and brisket. The house smelled heavenly on Sunday morning from
all the meat that was slow roasting in the oven. We had breakfast and had a
lazy day. Around 2 Devin started the grill and put the meat on. Nicole and
Lucas came about 6:30 and she brought a loaded potato dip, twice baked potatoes
and a corn casserole. Um, welcome to the family! Lol! We all watched the game and Phil got there
about 15 minutes into it and then Pete came about 9 or so. We had a great time
eating and watching the Cowboys beat the Giants!
Awake too early and playing |
Parade! |
Coolest hoodie ever? |
Halloween store! He hated it this year! Lol. |
My dinner.....yum |
My kids made me "chicken" |
Brisket and ribs in the raw |
Sweet man! |
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