Friday, February 3, 2012

Fun Filled Evening!

Yesterday when Devin and the kids picked me up from work we had a fun filled evening! None of it was planned but it was fun. We went to Target since I needed conditioner and ended up finding a sale on some of the kid’s clothes. Pippa desperately needs new clothes so I told Devin when we get our income tax I have to go shopping for her as only a few things fit her. They had tops, skirts and leggings on sale 5 for $20 so I found 5 things. I told Devin I would just spend $20 less than what I planned on since this was not with income tax money. Monks also saw a Darth Vader shirt and wanted it so we got that. As we were checking out, he reminded us he wanted popcorn. Just like his Gigi, can’t go into Target without getting a bag of popcorn. Once we checked out we went to the snack bar and ordered popcorn, nachos (can’t resist when somewhere has them), a pretzel and Monks a strawberry smoothie. It tasted like fresh strawberries blended with ice. Was so good! After snacking we headed to Hobby Lobby to buy something Valentine-sey for Grandpa and Gigi. Monks like picking things out and does a great job on his own. We will take them this weekend with some new flowers. We then ran a few more errands and then at 7:40 went home. We changed the kids and then Devin said I want to go somewhere and I said um, where? And he said somewhere fun, we haven’t gone out in a while. We then decided to splurge a whole $15 and go to Primetime to play in the arcade! It was so sweet, when Devin told Aikman want to go to Primetime? Monks immediately smiled and walked over to Devin and hugged him and said I love you daddy! He then came and kissed me on the arm and said I love you momma. Let’s go! Lol. Poor kid, acts like he never gets out. I am not even positive he knows what Primetime is which made it even funnier to me. We played in the arcade until 9! We then let him cash in his tickets and he bought a snake and a little blue fighter plane. He was so excited. He even thanked Daddy in the car on the way home for taking him. We stopped at McDonald’s and grabbed some food and then went home. It was about 9:40 when he went to bed. It was lots of fun and even sweeter he appreciated it so much. I took as many pics as I could with my phone.

Pips in Target

At Primetime

I love this pic. Devin was trying to show him to throw underhand because when he threw overhand, it would hit the metal cage and was so loud. Right after Devin showed him how to do it, he said okay daddy and then did this! I took it right as Devin went to try and block it. Lol.

Chillin watching big brother and Daddy play.

In a helicopter

He had so much fun playing this and was decent at it.

Look at that speed! Mommy was terrified of him on the motorcycle :)

He came in third!

1 comment:

  1. looks super fun! The Anderson family is very cute together.
