Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Little Bookworm

Tio sent me this a few minutes ago:

"Well it seems I've succeeded in one of my many plans for Aikman...he seems to really love books now!  This morning Jenny said they were watching TV and he kept looking over at the book shelf. She finally asked him if he wanted to turn off the TV and read instead and he enthusiastically said, "YES!" so they read a story together while I mowed the yard. Then he said he wanted to go lay down. We were kinda confused since it was only 10:45 but we said okay. He grabbed his books and went and laid down. Then about 30 minutes later Jenny asked if I would go check on Pippa because she thought she heard her. I walk quietly down the hallway and stop at Pippas door to listen for her. Then I hear literally shouting in a weird voice. It's Aikman in our room! He was apparently doing difference voices and just talking to himself. I don't know if he was pretending to read the books or just telling himself stories, but he was just chatting away to himself while laying there with his books. I asked him if he wanted to get up and he did. I explained to him that he didn't have to go lay down if he wanted to look at books he could just look at them in the living room. He seemed excited about that so for the last 10 minutes he's just been pulling books down and looking through them himself. He will randomly show me titles and say, "Hey wook, dis Curious Dorge!" (Curious George) or "Hey wook! Dis Booty Beast!" (Beauty and the Beast). 

I'm very proud of him and he is such an intelligent boy. I can't wait until he is the only 1st grader who can read on his own!"

How sweet is that??

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