Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rough Day

Aikman was very silly at the sitters yesterday. When I got his daily report his dad informed me he did not take his nap. Mrs. Jennifer said he only wanted to clap and sing and so he would lay on his mat and kept clapping and waiting for her to sing with him. She tried patting his back and soothing him but he kept smiling and clapping and humming. So she just got him up to not wake the other kids. She said he did great all day and then about two minutes before Devin walked in the door, Monks had pulled a little girls hair and was put in time out. He had a meltdown in time out. Devin said when he walked in he heard crying and thought someone is not happy and then he realized it was Monks! He was so upset he was in time out, not to mention he was tired, and Devin said he was crying uncontrollably and he could not catch his breath. Devin said even on the walk outside to the car he was sobbing and when he buckled him in he started to sing to him to calm him down and he was upset still. Devin said at the end of the block he stopped and Devin turned to him and he was asleep. He said when he got him home, he took off his coat and hat and put him in his bed and he put his little butt up in the air and was out. He slept for 2 hours.

By the time he woke up, I was home from work and he felt a little warm but seemed okay. We gave him some Ibuprofen and he was picky with dinner. He only ate tomatoes and cucumbers. He did drink two whole cups of juice though. Tio and Tia had come over (Gigi said it was too cold to come out so we just took her leftovers) and Tia had made some cookies and cheese bread and Monks turned down a cookie! My poor guy, something was not right. He must have just been tired because when Tia and I came back from Walgreens and Gigi’s, he was playing with his train and dancing to a song on Tio’s phone. He also got very excited about a piece of sour candy and even though it took him long to eat it, he enjoyed it. He slept all night and woke up in a great mood so I think he was just sleepy.

When I dropped him off this morning he went right to the table to play with Peyton, Mrs. Jennifer’s 3 year old daughter. Peyton calls him “Ache-uh-men” I am sure he will have a good day today.

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