Thursday, October 7, 2010

Gigi in Hospital

The past week has been a difficult one but I am hopeful it will all work out. I don’t want to go into detail but my mom had been in the hospital for the last week. She went to the ER with chest pain and trouble breathing and was admitted. After a few days of tests and a biopsy, we were told Tuesday she has cancer. She is still waiting on them to send it off to determine the type and then we will know what to do from there. She was able to come home Tuesday afternoon. Just pray for her and that this will all go away and we can move on with our lives. I know she can beat it. So poor monks has not had a very exciting week. He had been at the hospital most of the time and I got some sweet pics of him from the hospital and some from Texas Roadhouse where my aunt and uncle took us to dinner Saturday night so mom could sleep and we could eat. He would just push his Buzz car around and smile at all the nurses who came in. It was very sad the first time he saw her in the hospital on Thursday. She had her IV and the little oxygen thing and was in the bed of course and he seemed a little scared and just stared at her. By the next day though he could not stay off her bed and she had more of his kisses than she knew what to do with. He would sit by her and she would read to him and he loved her apple juice cups. She would save them for him. He did so well and I felt bad he was up there but he enjoyed himself and we made the best of it. He also mastered the controls on the bed for the TV and would adjust the volume or change the channel if he was sitting up there. Crazy monkey. At Roadhouse he had a children’s meal with a hot dog and green beans and my Tia shared her carrots and broccoli with him. He was a huge fan of the peanuts and the cinnamon butter on the bread. My Tio also bought him the most adorable Air Force jersey and he looked so cute in it. I also have the cutest video of Uncle Petey putting Monks in a pillow closet in the hospital room so I have to figure how to get that loaded.

When Tammie came to visit Gigi

Before sitter on Monday

Catching up on some news

Eating at Roadhouse in his jersey

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