Monday, October 25, 2010

It's the Freakin Weekend!

Saturday it poured from early morning until about 2:30 in the afternoon. Monks and I slept in until 10! I had not planned on sleeping that late. We had errands to run to help Tia get ready for her Halloween Party/Fall Fest for her and Tio’s youth group. I fed us breakfast and then loaded up to go to Sam’s and Target. Monks never got wet once again thanks to umbrellas, the swiftness of his Tia and me dropping them off at the door. We bought Aikman some new shoes Saturday; my sweet boy is in a size 7! His tennis shoes look great on him and he got some new jeans and a cute shirt. I will have to post pics of them. He looks like such a big boy walking in tennis shoes. After running around and getting decorations and food, we went to Gigi’s house to make cupcakes and so I could start cleaning. I put monks down for a nap in his playpen in Pete’s old room and he was not happy with that! He cried for nearly twenty minutes. I am not sure if it’s because he was really sleepy or what. My poor guy. I stayed strong and left him and he slept like a prince for about two and a half hours.
While I was cleaning Gigi’s house, he was randomly walking around and would bring me things and he felt the need to bring everything off the tray in the living room she had. One minute he was carrying a package of crackers, then remotes, (yes plural, there were several) then a card and when he walked up with her glasses we were like hey precious, play with your toys. He seemed to want everything he could not have that day. Then he was eating goldfish and I would find random goldfish on the floor and after vacuuming, sweeping and mopping, that was not cool with Mommy. J We watched Scooby Doo and ate watermelon and after the watermelon monks needed a bath so Devin gave him one and then we decided to go because it was getting late.
Sunday was a lazy day and we just played and watched kid friendly Halloween movies. My monkey had his first caramel apple!! Tia had some left from her party and brought us some along with mummy cupcakes. Aikman and I shared it and I would bite him chunks off and he would suck the caramel off, eat the apple and then spit out the skin. It was so cute how he did it as he never took it out of his mouth. He loved it. Apollo wanted in on them but we were not sharing with him. These were ours!

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