Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Little Text to Say......

Monks had Tia’s iphone and she had it to where you have to slide your finger across the screen to unlock it to be able to use it. That may be a standard iphone thing but we don’t all have fancy phones like Tia so when she busts out cool things like Talking Tom we play with him for hours. Anyway, she gave him her phone in the car to hold because he was getting restless. She had a picture of monks as her background and he enjoyed kissing it several times. She heard some noise on it and took it to look at it and he had unlocked it and was texting! On the iphone! Guess who he was texting? Me! He had started to text the letter “M”. Say what you will, call it a coincidence or just pure luck, but I think he was going to write and say mom, I love you. Clearly that was his intention. Well my monkey, I love you more.

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