Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Scarecrow Walks At Midnight

So my monkey is not a scarecrow nor is he up walking at midnight but that book kicks butt.
My monkey is getting to be such a big boy. We went to Abuelo’s last night for dinner. He was so good sitting in his high chair. He never tried to rip his rubber placemat thing off the table. He ate all his rice and most of his beans and played with more of his quesadilla than he actually ate but he was wonderful. Devin and I tried to show him what the crayons could do but he wanted to hold them more than he wanted to attempt to color. He only tried putting them in his mouth a few times but when he was told not to do that, he stopped. Such a good boy. A little girl at the table behind us started throwing a fit and he just stared at her and I just wondered what he was thinking right then.
When we got home, we all sat around in the living room and Devin and Phil were watching the Rangers game. I can’t seem to find anything interesting about baseball, but that’s just me. Monks was showing off his walking skills to everyone! He walked across that whole living room floor. Grandma Frances got so excited when she reached for him and he walked to her several times and then would bury his face in her lap. He is so funny in that he keeps his hands above his head. He has to have them up to walk. It is the best thing to watch. He walked all the way from the ottoman to the entertainment center and just when he was about to touch it he turned and walked toward the hallway but then snuck in behind the chair. He walked so much! He was non stop for so long he got thirsty and when he saw a glass of water on the table he pointed to it and chugged it. It was so funny.
Looks like this week we will be getting new shoes! He has a lot of shoes but he has already grown out of all his size 5’s and some of his size 6’s. I guess we will go to Payless to have his foot measured and then go from there. It's so exciting to see how he changes daily and the little boy he is becoming. I def do not see him as a baby anymore and I am okay with that.

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