Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monkey Milestones

Wednesday night we went to Gigi’s house and had a great pasta bake with a salad and garlic toast and Grandma made this dish similar to calabasitas. It had corn, squash and pieces of pork that were so tender they melted in your mouth. That was Devin’s favorite and when Jenny got there he told her not to eat it because it was really nasty but she was too smart for that. Monks wanted the tomatoes from the salad more than anything and the corn dish. He was so funny yesterday and I fall more in love with him each day. I love his personality and at times I am like, oh child you are just like your dad but then sometimes he does something just like me. Either way, he is still my everything.
  • Last night when Jenny was eating (she came after church so we had already eaten) she gave Monks the tomatoes from her salad and he was just eating them one after the other. He prefers to make them pop, then sucks out the insides and leaves the skin. It looks like a deflated little balloon. I was holding him in front of me on the table and he bit one of the cherry tomatoes and it shot out the side into my hair and on the side of my mouth. Pretty gross feeling but pretty hilarious.
  • He also started pointing at stuff! He has reached with an open hand toward something but to straight point and request something has not happened. It was so cute to see him literally point at his cup and when I asked if he wanted a drink he would make a noise and point again. We are trying to get him to say please and thank you so sometimes he will say something and even though it’s not the right words, I think he understands the concept. He also pointed for some cake for dessert. It was this little pina colada cake and he pointed he wanted some. Smart boy! He tore that up!
  • Monks was pushing his Buzz car around the kitchen and living area in Gigi’s house and when he got on the other side of her island thing we could not see him. I heard some noise and then it got quiet and he came around the corner rolling a container with lemon pepper in it. We were all like what? He was just having so much fun with that. He then took his car again around and was just talking and walking and then it got quiet again. I got up from the table to check on him and I see him squatting by this little shelf with spices and he has lifted his trunk of his car and is piling spices in. He had black pepper, basil and garlic in his car and one in his hand he was trying to shove in there to get it to shut. Devin came over and said what are you doing little chef and he just smiled that sweet smile and walked off with his trunk full of spices. It was so cute!
  • When we got home and I got him in the bath he pointed again! I set him in the water and he has a pitcher he plays with, an empty tub for wipes and these little squirt toys that are kept in this mesh basket that suctions on the wall so they can dry. I had not grabbed his toys yet and he was standing holding onto the edge and pointed to the mesh basket! I said you want your toys monkey and he said ya. It sounds so cute when he says “ya”. I got them down and he sat down to play.
How much do I love this boy???

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