Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monks Got Rained On

The other night when I had Monks in the tub and it was filling up, I ran to my room to grab my tweezers to touch up my eyebrows. Seriously it would take me not even 10 seconds. While I was coming around the bed I heard Monks not start to cry but whine and he yelled Momma! And it was like a scared tone in his voice and I could tell the water sounded different. He can’t reach the thing to control the temperature so I freaked and thought what the heck so I ran back in there (this was all in a few seconds like I said) and when I got to the bathroom he was sitting there with his hands above his head trying to cover his face and he said turn off momma off! He had tried to pull a loofah I had hanging on the faucet off and when he pulled on it, it turned the shower on so he was getting rained on. I had to laugh. I know it just scared him and instead of getting up, he just sat there covering his face. He was so cute looking.

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