Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Last Weekend With Just Monks!

It was our last weekend with just one child so we wanted to spend every second with our precious boy! Saturday Devin got out of class at 2:30 which worked out great, Monks had an appointment to get his haircut at 3:00. We got the haircut and he looks oh so handsome. He looks so much older when it is cut. Where did the time go L After his haircut we went and got some ice cream. You can add your own toppings and Aikman LOVED the Reese’s pieces Devin put on some of his. He just wanted those. We then headed to Kid’s Village to check on our wall art we had ordered and get anything we needed or should I say wanted last minute. They had just received some of the cutest little back packs for kids. It is so hard to find a little one! I fell in love with the robot one, but once Devin saw one with “woo-woo’s” (any vehicle with a siren) Monks wanted that one. It has fire trucks, police cars, ambulances and helicopters on it. He was adorable with it on. I told Devin to take it off of him, it made me start to cry seeing him with his big boy hair and backpack on. We bought Pippa some headbands since they were 50% off and looked around. They have this area with toys like a big kitchen, a table and chairs, wooden food and a giant dollhouse. As soon as we walk in the doors he heads to the table and sits down. He likes this fake cupcake stand and takes them all off and then puts them back on. This time there was a wooden cake with candles so he enjoyed taking them out and putting them back in. He would occasionally yell Momma or Daddy and then we would let him see us and he would continue to play. It is not a big store, you can see him from everywhere if any of you are wondering if we just abandoned our son to shop lol He called me over to show me some cookies he had on a plate and pointed to the ground and said sit here momma. I laughed and so did the cashier and I said monkey, I cannot sit on the ground, it is too hard to get up and he said it’s hard? And I said yes, for me right now and he said okay and kept playing. When it was time to leave he pushed in his chair and took his “pack-pack” as he calls it and we then headed to meet Tia at Sears. We were looking for a new microwave, ours just went out the other day! He rode the escalator for the first time ever and would just smile and smile on it like whoa, what is this?? He liked jumping off holding Devin’s hand. We then went to K-Mart and then to Target. At Target, Devin went to the toy section while Tia and I went to the baby/kid’s section. We then went to meet in the middle and heard these sirens and I saw this box in the basket. I said what is that and Monks was just smiling and said wook momma, a truck! It was this big K-9 Unit SUV that had buttons you push to make it go forward and backward and had all kinds of noises from sirens to someone yelling “get down on the ground” to the Cops theme song lol I told Devin he just got a back pack and Devin said yeah but babe it’s a K-9 one! My two crazy cop loving men. How could I say no? Let me tell you Aikman has not let that toy out of his sight since he got it. He woke up Sunday and went straight to Pippa’s room to get it out, he knew he had left it in there and then this morning when I went to get him up, I said hey monkey, how did you sleep and he stood up and pointed to his shelf and said my truck! Lol and went and got it. Anyway, after shopping, we were hungry starving so we brought Tio some dinner at work and then went to Golden Corral. I know it’s scary and expensive and sometimes dirty lol but their food is so good. After, we went home. Aikman played with his car, Tia and I hung up Pippa’s clothes, and Devin hung her curtains. Tia also went through all of Monk’s old clothes to get some things for Adrian. Oh it was so sweet to see all those outfits again. I promise, every outfit, seriously, I can tell you something special about when he wore it.  She ended up having two huge tubs full of stuff and Devin loaded them in the car. She only turned down all the Santa/Christmas stuff lol and the classic My First Thanksgiving shirt that Gigi bought Aikman. Pippa will wear it so it’s all good J We also kept all the Halloween outfits and costumes since Adrian should not arrive until mid November so should that sweet man come early, she can take them. We did all this until about 10:15 and I swear I did not realize it was so late. Monks was still up helping Daddy in Pippa’s room. He picked up all the screws Devin would drop from the ladder. Tia left and Devin and I just sat in Pippa’s room and talked, cried, laughed and thought about what this week would be like. We went to bed finally at 2:30. I was a little shocked to hear Aikman yelling Momma at 7:40 but he had a dirty diaper so that is what woke him up I am sure. I walked in and said you’re up early and he yelled Momma! I pooped! I just laughed. We then waited about forty minutes before waking up Devin because we were hungry. We went and got breakfast burritos from a place called Oscar’s and drinks from Sonic. We went home to eat and I gave Monks some cereal with a peach but he wanted some of Devin’s burrito. He had chorizo and egg and he took a bite and said yummy and then asked for more so Devin leaned to give him more and he said no, want ot sauce (hot sauce). He poured him some on there and he kept saying yum and then once he swallowed he said more and would open his mouth. It was so funny how he would only eat it with salsa. He loves spicy things. We kind of just hung out all day playing at home and we needed to go to the grocery store but we were lazy and it was hot out. We took a 4 hour nap! All of us! It was so nice. We then ate dinner and about 6:50 Devin said he was going to Wal-Mart to get the small things we needed like milk, shampoo and bathroom stuff and juice plus we still needed our microwave! So he took Monks while I cleaned the kitchen and living room. They were gone about 45 minutes and then I heard a soft knock on the door. I opened it and it was Aikman with a bag. He said here go! I took it from him and then he went back to help Devin. He carries one thing at a time and sets it on the table and then goes back out lol I was then handed a bag that had a surprise for me! It was some key lime pie! I had been wanting some so bad! My sweet boys. J What a great way to end the weekend!

I will take pics of the bathroom and nursery tonight to post tomorrow before my leave starts! Four more days until our baby girl makes her appearance!


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