Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our New Bathroom!

So we have had it finished since the first week of July but I took forever in posting these. I absolutely love our bathroom! I have not finished decorating it yet. We have a few things for the walls so that will be the only difference. It feels so much cleaner and it is so relaxing to be in there.

old mirror was here

So old and outdated!

Does this floor not make you wanna throw up in your mouth a little? HATED it!

Cute right?

Demolition started!

Creepy under the bottom cabinet! I never opened it for fear we would be attacked by something!

Ahhh, perfection! I LOVE the window!

Wall Cabinets

Creepy cabinet no more!

These tiles are grey so no idea if they flash made them light or what but they are dark grey.

Our lovely vanity

No more dumb space heater to the side!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I knew it was a huge improvement, but now that I see those before pictures, it's really a completely different room! You did a great job picking out all the colors, etc!
