Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Lost My Monkey

Friday night we decorated for the shower. Tia Net, Gramita and Jerolyn came over to help us. Monks had been playing in the TV room with his uncles and Tia Net and Phil had walked outside as they were going to the storage shed and then I noticed I did not hear Aikman. I asked Pete and Tio if he was in there and they said no. I walked down the hall and yelled his name and no answer. I checked all the rooms and then went back out to the kitchen and I could feel this lump in my throat and myself about to panic. I said I can’t find him and Tia and Jerolyn ran outside to look and I ran back down the hall once more. I swear I looked EVERYWHERE! Tio will argue this with me forever, but I checked the bathroom. I went back out there and said I don’t know where he is and Tio got up and said did you check the bathroom? Aikman loves to get in their tub but I HAD checked it. I swear I did. Apparently not well enough because Tio found him sitting in the tub just smiling and playing. I swear my heart had stopped. I then cried out of relief and went to tell Tia and Jerolyn he was inside. Worst feeling ever I tell you. Ugh. Thank God it was at home and not in a store or something. I probably would have gone into labor. Lesson learned.


  1. lol. He just felt like going for a sim. Oh, and he was in there the whole time :)

  2. Awwww...........I am happy that he was safe and sound :) No matter if he was there the whole time or not ;)hehe
