Thursday, June 23, 2011

Playdate With Dinner

Tuesday night Tio and Tia invited over their old neighbors for dinner. Tio made a Cajun chicken alfredo and a plain alfredo sauce and we had fettuccine noodles, salad, bread and fruit pizza. It was delicious! Their neighbors have an almost 4 year old named Mason so I was excited to see them play together. I had come out of the bathroom and when I went to the dining room I saw Monks sitting down by his Buzz car and Mason sitting on the other side and they were handing each other cars. No shyness, no hesitation and they were both talking away. So sweet. They played for a good 30 minutes before dinner was ready and then it was time to eat. Monks has never had this alfredo sauce so I wondered if he would like it. He ate his bread like how you eat watermelon leaving the outside crust of the French bread and eating all the soft bread inside lol He did not really touch his pasta. I did also give him some blueberries and kiwi and strawberries though. Once he ate all that I twirled a noodle on my fork and fed it to him. He chewed it and smiled and said more peas! He ate all that was on his plate plus some of mine. He kept saying I wike it (I like it). I was so proud of him. I had just cleaned him up when dessert was brought out. Instead of putting him back in his high chair, I put him in my lap and he picked off each piece of fruit and ate it, then licked all the cream cheese icing off the cookie and then ate the cookie. He had a little white beard of icing on his face. I decided to just do his bath then so he could play with Mason before bed. We did our bath and then got on our pajamas and then went back out to play. They took turns riding the Buzz car and pushing a cement mixer truck around the tables and through the kitchen. Then they decided to have the person on the Buzz car chase the other one and they screamed and laughed and squealed for a good twenty minutes. Monks cheeks were all red and he was hot. When he needed to rest he would run up to Tio who was sitting on the couch and hug him and stay there and then take off again. I love to hear him say Ready? Devin called and was out of class a little early so I waited to put Monks down until he got home. He went to bed about 8:30 and went right to sleep. He was worn out. I was so proud of how sweet he played and how much he shared his toys. My big sweet boy.

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