Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Where Is The Time Going?

Sorry to be so slow in posting, we have just been busy. Between Devin’s school, getting ready for Olivia, the shower coming up and our bathroom being remodeled, we have been non-stop it seems. I am so ready for a weekend where nothing has to be cleaned out, moved, set up or redone. The 4th of July weekend looks like it will be a good one. Time is flying by and I still can’t believe in less than 42 days Olivia will be officially here. Aikman has been so sweet. He can’t say her name at all for some reason but he will hug my stomach and rest his head on it and if you say where is the baby he points or hugs it. He did kiss my stomach Saturday and it was the sweetest thing. I honestly worried about how he would take to the change, but I know now he will be great. The sitter says he is constantly hugging or loving on the two youngest at her house. He can play really rough at times but he can also be the sweetest, most loving guy you have ever met. He LOVES hugs and kisses. Nothing makes me happier than when I walk in the door at 10 after 5 and he runs up to me and says Momma as he wraps his arms around your neck and gives an open mouth kiss and just holds you for a few seconds. He does it when Devin comes home from work in the morning too. I tell you this boy is perfect!

In other Monks news, he is still talking up a storm. His new thing is saying Dallas Cowboys. He says Dallas very well but Cowboys comes out Tow-buhs at times. If you break it into two parts, its perfect but all at once, not so much. He also says Texas really well. Devin asks him where do you live and he says Texas! He is getting to where he says thank you often. Please he has down but thank you needs a reminder at times. He says dank ooh. He also says I love you and I get so happy when he says it first. He also says Adrian, his cousin on the way!! He says Aid-nin. He will say the most random things too which make us laugh. He was eating blue berries the other day and he bit one and took it out of his mouth and set it on the tray and said sour. How does he even know what that means? Lol. He also loves cereal and calls it see-we-uhl. He will walk to the pantry and say I want cereal please. He is in love with Cinnamon Toast Crunch right now. Yesterday a mouse was on TV and he said oh a bunny and I said no monks, that’s a mouse and he looked at me like oh yeah, my bad and said keek keek (his squeak). When he talks he has the most serious face and his big eyes have so much expression and he makes me smile just looking at him. He loves to dance and we put it on the Sirius channels we have on Dish and we always listen to 90’s on the 9 and he was dancing up a storm. I am not sure where he gets his moves from but they go to the beat and he looks precious. He was dancing coming down the hall and went in to the living room and his ankle turned and he fell and it may sound mean but Devin and I laughed so hard. He got up really quick and did not miss a beat and kept dancing and looked at us like what?

1 comment:

  1. How sweet :) Sarah you are such a good mama :) I love reading these it just shows how much love and affection you have for your little boy and I am sure you will be the same for your little princess :)
