Friday, June 24, 2011

Uncles Are Too Much Fun

Pete and Phil made dinner Wednesday night and we all hung out. I know I have mentioned several times Monks love for them but he was overly affectionate that night. He would just stare at them and smile or go up to them and put his face against theirs. They got several kisses and hugs and when we were sitting at the table he kept going to one side of them and yelling boo to scare them and then would laugh when they were scared and then go to the other side. He says Pete (occasionally as Pet) and Phil very well. After much playing and wrestling I walked in the doorway of the TV room and they were all on the couch. Monks was under Phil’s arm and sitting right by him just chillin. I said Monks it’s time for your bath and he did not look at me once and kind of squinted like he was interested in what was on TV, completely ignoring me. I said Aikman, let’s go take a bath and he looked at the guys and then said no but he said it like no, I am good here and I said Aikman Allen you do not tell Mommy no, get up or you are getting a spanking and he looked at Phil like I gotta go and jumped down and ran to the bathroom. I could not believe him. Crazy boy. I just wish I had video of his face watching TV like I did not even exist or like maybe she will go away if I look busy. My wild child. After his bath he was able to go back in there and play with them. Bedtime is so sweet because I tell him okay, tell everyone goodnight and he goes to each person and hugs and kisses them.

1 comment:

  1. reading this blog makes it seem like you never cook. lol
