Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Santa & Simming

Last night we had dinner at China Star. Monks saw an elderly man with white hair and a white beard. He was very clean cut. Monks pointed and yelled from across the room Santa! Tio and I turned to look and we immediately saw this man and burst out laughing. I said that is not Santa monkey and he looked at me like huh and I said that is just a man and he said whats doin and I said he is eating his dinner and he said oh, he done? I laughed and said I have no idea if he is done or not. Monks then continued to eat his rice. It was so funny!

We then went home to sim!! The water was so nice and almost warm but it still felt refreshing! The pool was now full and Monks had not been in it with it full, he only played in about half of it on Sunday so Tio got in first and then lifted monks in and it came right to his shoulders. He thought it was the neatest thing. He kept lifting his legs up and then would go under! We would pick him up and he would just wipe his face and smile. He loves for you to hold him so he can kick his feet and he tried floating but stays too stiff and uses his abs to sit up some. He played so much and gave me several heart attacks. Lol He is so not scared in the water. He would run from Tio and just scream and scream. He kept making faces too. Tio asked him once to make his silliest face and I am not sure what he was doing but he made his eyes big and kind of lifted his shoulders and smiled creepily with his teeth all showing and scrunched his nose up. It sure was silly and made us all die laughing. He also was asked to do the Hulk and he hunched over and brought one arm above his head and the other across his body and made this scary face. Tio said um, that is not the Hulk and then he laughed like I know I know and did it right. Where does he get this from?? We had the best time and played for about an hour! We got out about 8:20 and in classic Tia Net style, did not need a bath since we swam J He was ready for bed and worn out.

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