Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Times

Yesterday when I got off work, it was actually really nice out and not super cold, so we went to the park. The kids had the best time! Monks has been begging us to go to a park but when temps are in the 40’s, you can’t really go. We played for about 35 minutes and then we went to the Grace! They have free admission on Thursdays and the kids love the Kids Zone. There were some funky people there last night. No matter where you go, you always get that one kid that won’t stop talking to you and you think “where are your parents?” or you try to have your toddlers play and there is a 9 year old kid in the toddler place jumping and climbing on stuff they shouldn’t. You have to constantly say “watch out for the babies!” Come on parents! Watch your kids. Don’t get me wrong, I am nice to kids and blame the parents (unlike Tia lol) but it gets annoying at times when I want to spend time with my kids and some other kid wants your attention as well. Anyway, the kids had so much fun playing on the mats and climbing in the tree. They have this little stage with a curtain that opens and closes and there is a bucket of play clothes and props. The kids came out on stage as I sat in the “audience” and Monks had on a firemen’s hat and Pips was wearing a coon skin cap. Lol. They danced for me. Talk about precious! Aikman’s favorite is this little ambulance that has sirens and lights. He could sit in it the whole time if you let him. After, we went to Pizza Inn and had dinner. Aikman was drinking out of his straw and asked me if I could do it. I said "drink out of my straw?" He said yes, like this. He wanted me to drink out of a straw without picking up the cup. Weird I know but he is sweet so I did it. He clapped and said "yeah, that's my girl! You did it! Good job momma!" Sweet boy. Doesn't take much to impress him! We then headed home and got Pips ready for bed. Devin, Monks and I watched the rest of Alvin and the Chipmunks on TV and then went to bed!

I get off at noon today and am off Monday for the holiday so I am so excited for the weekend! We are going to look at a school for Aikman, go swimming and maybe hit up the zoo if not too cold. I also have a few fun crafts and sensory tub ideas to do. Fun fun! 

Monks knows how to pump his legs to swing by himself! 

In the ambulance!

Wall of music! You touch any shape and it makes a certain sound.
Pips coming out the tree

1 comment:

  1. If I remember correctly, that play area says it's for kids 4 and under. That means if I see a kid that even looks 4 & a half, best believe I'm going to kick him out.
