Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Update

Friday after work I picked up Adrian and took him home. Tio was surprising Tia with a night out. We went home and Adrian had been out of town for 2 weeks and this was the first time the kids had seen him since. Monks ran up to him and said “hey manny! I love you so much!” Pippa waved and smiled at him. They all had fun playing with cars and bubbles as I made dinner. We had pizza, salad, corn for the kids and pineapple. They all ate so much and then we went and played in Pippa’s room before we started getting ready for bed. They climbed on everything and had lots of fun with the kitchen. I sampled so much of what they made. Adrian and Pippa like to suck on the play food or the spoons and then give you a bite and will press it to your mouth. Yep, it’s all wet. Sweet of them to share though. We then got the babies ready for bed at 8:10 and I put up a playpen for Adrian in Aikman’s room. He got upset when I set him in it to put Pippa down and he made himself throw up. Poor guy. I got him new jammies and rinsed him off in the tub and set up the other playpen we have. Luckily we have two. He laid down and whined for a minute but was rubbing his eyes the whole time. He was sleepy. I washed all the other bedding and his jammies. Tio and Tia came over about an hour later and as soon as they walked in Aikman said “Adrian is asleep in my room. He threw up.” Lol. Thanks Monks. I had planned on him spending the night but he began to moan and make some noise when they were leaving about 11:15 or so and Jenny decided to just take him home so he could sleep comfortably. I had a fun night with my sweet nephew and I know the kids love being with him. 

Saturday, we woke up and ate breakfast and then we got ready to pick up Tia and Adrian. We took the kids to the Kids Zone at the YMCA and Tia and I worked out. We did cardio and then hit the machines to work our arms and legs. We then went to sit in the sauna but she didn’t like it and about a minute in I had to go to the bathroom so we just went to sign the kids out. I took them home and we went home for lunch and naps. We had planned on going to the park in the afternoon with them, but my kids wouldn’t nap and Monks got in trouble for not going pee in the potty and putting an entire sheet of about 100 little star stickers on his wall. He got all of them off, lucky for him. It was a rough afternoon for my babies and so we just stayed home. 

We made a bowl of pico for afternoon snack. It had onion, tomato, cilantro, avocado and lime juice. The kids ate it with chips and then Pippa finished it all off by eating it with a spoon. Yummy!  

This boy and his pickles

Sunday, Monks and I woke up when Devin came home from work and we made breakfast. Devin made us eggs with mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and cilantro. We all had one turkey sausage patty and some cantaloupe. It was so good and the kids had seconds on their eggs! We then got ready to go out. I fixed my baby girl’s hair in pigtails for the first time ever and she looked beyond adorable. We went to Target and then to the park to play. The kids had so much fun. Pippa is a pro on the slides and loves the big twirly ones the most. She goes down on her own, gets to the bottom, turns over and gets down and runs back around to climb the whole thing again. Monks even wanted to catch her a few times. How sweet is that? I was so proud of my sweet boy also because he learned how to hang from the bars and let go on his own. He used to hang by himself, but you had to be right there and grab him when he said he was letting go. We told him he could do it and at first he hung there and Devin backed up and he yelled for Devin to grab him, but we told him to calm down and just fall to his feet. He said he was scared and we told him he was just fine. He let go and landed on his feet and I wish I had recorded his face. He smiled and stood up straight and said “I did it!” He was so proud of himself. He then wanted Devin to put him back up and he would drop after a few seconds. He did it repeatedly and after about a dozen times, he was good to go and had mastered it. We played for a good hour and then went home for lunch and naps. Both of them talked for about an hour and a half and then Pippa finally went to sleep. Aikman never slept and was up every ten minutes or so to go potty. I then walked in the bathroom and he had pumped the whole bottle of soap into the trashcan. It is one of those foamy ones and when I asked what he was doing he said it was to make it smell good. That bottle was about ¾ full and he emptied it all. Sigh. He was a little whiny that evening so he went to bed early too. I don’t know why my kids are fighting naps the last few days. They are crazy! When you walk into Pippa’s room she immediately lays down and closes her eyes so tight like “I am asleep.” It will be quiet and then about 10 minutes later she is up again just talking and talking. Aikman will be sitting in his bed and do the same thing and try to lie down as soon as you open the door. Yeah, because we didn’t just hear you singing and laughing within seconds of us opening your door. They can drive you crazy with that and then later they tell you they love you more than all the candy in the world or walk across the room to give you an open mouth kiss. Overall, the weekend was lots of fun and I look forward to being off tomorrow for Pippa’s check up. 

She was looking at a bunny that moves. 
Love her! 
Walking over the bridge to the slide....

How she gets off it

He has the longest legs! 
Running back up to slide down
Here she goes! 

My strong Hulk
Catching his sister....
Sticking the landing! Lol. 
Posing on a rock
We now have matching toes! Pedicure while she eats dessert! 

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