Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weekend Update

Saturday morning the kids and I slept until 9:25 and then we ate breakfast and played. We enjoyed about an hour in Aikman’s room playing with Legos and play feeding his stuffed animals. We then went in Pippa’s room where we read five books and made yummy meals with her kitchen. It was already time for lunch! We ate and then watched Ice Age and Daddy woke up. After naps, we just hung around the house. I made Devin and I some tilapia for dinner and the kids had something else. Aikman immediately asked to have a bite so we gave him some. He loved it so much! He ate half our fish himself! Now I know I can feed it to the kids as well next time.

We gave each animal a piece of play food. Simba got the big turkey so our shark ended up with an egg. It's protein right?  The dogs had hot dogs, monkeys had bananas and the others had fruit. 
Oh and this lion had corn. Lol.

This was the kids eating lunch. Pippa LOVES this greek yogurt. Her favorite is the apples and cinnamon one. Monks loves it too and his favorite is pomegranate. It has little seeds in it and since pomegranates are one of his new favorite things, it is perfect! They ate nuggets, macaroni, apples and yogurt. Pippa can get a little messy but she will NOT let you feed her from a spoon. She has to do it herself. If you try to, she will turn her head to the side and her nose up. Ms. Independent. 

Sunday we went to HEB and Sam’s. I know we go grocery shopping every week but it is hard to keep fresh fruits and vegetables good for longer than that. We enjoy our Sunday trips to the produce section! We had lunch at Sam’s at their little café. Pippa and I shared cheese pizza while Aikman ate his own 3 meat pizza and Devin had a hot dog. I felt so bad because poor Monks wanted to go swimming but it was so cold out I hated to take the kids to the Y and even with blow drying their hair I was nervous so we had to turn him down. We did take the kids to play at one of the play places at McDonald’s. Pippa can’t do much there and Monks enjoyed it but wasn’t insanely thrilled about it.  It really is not that fun. He was scared to go down this giant slide they had so we bribed him. We told him if he went down it he could get an ice cream cone! At first he said “I can’t!” but we told him not to use that word and that he had nothing to be scared of. After a few more minutes of reassuring him he would be okay and we were waiting for him at the bottom, he slid right out and said “I did it!” Sweet boy. It was sad because Devin went to get him ice cream and their machine was down. We put on the kid’s jackets and hats and headed over to Sonic to get him one. He was so excited. We then headed home where we put the kids down for naps, Devin fell asleep and I watched a cool show about the “Last 24 Hours of Nicole Brown Simpson.” I told Devin about it while we made dinner later on and he said who is Nicole Brown Simpson? Sigh. Devin made pork chops and I made black beans and broccoli. We laughed so hard. During dinner, Aikman was hesitant to try his pork chop. He had eaten all his broccoli and half his beans and was just moving the pork chop with his fork. We told him he needed to at least try it. He had to take one bite. He sighed and got one piece on his fork and said “hakuna matata” and ate it. Lol! Crazy boy. We died. Monks then helped me clean the table off. We decided that would be one of the things on his list of chores. He brought me all the items one by one and the last thing he grabbed was two plates stacked together. He brought them to me and as he handed them off he said “be careful momma! Use two hands to hold these!” After cleaning up we made these super cute heart men. I will take a pic of them tonight. We had a great weekend! 

Daddy and Pips with their toothpicks. You can't see Devin's that well but it is there. Love them! 

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