Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pippa's 18 Month Check Up

Tuesday I was off for Pippa’s check up. It went great as usual! She is not scared of the doctor or anything, she just doesn’t like being examined so when he puts the stethoscope on her back or chest she whines and leans away from him. He then had to lay her back to check her ears, eyes and everything else. She cried. Not hard, but enough to make tears. He then sat her up and Devin set some goldfish in front of her. She immediately stopped and went “mmmm” as she grabbed some. She then smacked and crunched the whole time we talked to him. Lol. He told us she looked great and was right on track! He even said he liked her painted toes. She waved bye to him and was all smiles. She weighed 27.5 pounds and was 32 inches long. No shots this time, they will come at her 2 year check up. At check out, she got a sucker and sticker and so did Monks. They told everyone goodbye and we left!

It was about 12:15 and so we went to Wholly Cow for lunch. We then went to a park we had never been to before. It is fairly new and the kids had so much fun. It had a really high and twisty slide which they both loved. You also had to crawl through this long tunnel to get to the top. It was so windy though. I ended up putting Aikman’s jacket on Pippa. About 1:40 I had Pippa in a swing and she was resting her head on her hands. She really began closing her eyes. She was falling asleep! We then went home and put the kids for naps. They both talked for a little while and Aikman had to get up to pee and then to poop and then he was down. I heard something in Pippa’s room and waited a minute and then heard something by the door. I went and looked in her room, and she was crawling on the floor between her chair and kitchen! SHE HAD CRAWLED OUT OF HER CRIB! She has never done that. I could not believe it and called Devin to come see. Needless to say her crib was lowered that evening. The kids woke up from their naps and we went to HEB to get some fruit and bread. Before we went home we went to see Pete and Phil at work. We had not seen them since they got back from their trip. I wish I had video of it. You should have seen the kids running up to their uncles. They sure missed them. It was then home for dinner and baths. I love being off with them so much! 

Waiting to be seen...
Just playing!

Waiting on food. She loves their grilled cheese so  much. 

Look at my baby flexing!
After the park on the way home. 

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