Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daddy & Monks

Saturday Monks was not feeling well. I just prayed and prayed he was not getting another ear or throat infection. He would not eat, he fought his sleep and he threw up twice when I tried to give him Motrin. He was burning up and I was surprised when I took his temperature that it only showed 100.1. I thought it would be much higher. It took me several attempts to finally get him to sleep, he would only sleep if I rocked him and once he was finally out, I laid him in bed and had to pat his butt as he wiggled and moaned. He was out. Devin got out of class a few hours early and so we started sorting our stuff for the garage sale. Monks barely slept over an hour and was up. Devin got him and he helped us in our room but his eyes looked so sad and were dark under. I know he was exhausted but would not sleep. We were in our room and he was sitting on the bed but would randomly cry and want to be held. I was sitting on the bed folding clothes and he came and got in my lap and wanted to be held. We were at a weird angle so I laid back on the bed and put my feet against the wall. He was laying on my chest and Olivia J I was using my feet to push against the wall and rock him. He was holding me so tight and was so sweet. Devin whispered that his eyes were closing and just as he fell asleep of course, my back was hurting and Olivia was not comfy being laid on, so I asked Devin to rock him. Devin got in the same position I had been in and Monks laid on him. He fought it at first and whined (Daddy is not as soft as Mommy J) but once he found his spot he was quiet and I turned the light off and we had cartoons on. I sat on the floor to go through drawers and after about ten minutes I heard a heavy breathing from Monks and snoring from Devin. I looked up and both were out. I wanted to get my camera so bad but I knew the flash would wake them. It was the sweetest sight ever. My big baby holding my little baby, both sleeping peacefully. I got a small blanket and draped it on Monks as he was only in a diaper and they slept for two and a half hours! I went in to check on them often and they would be in a different position but still holding onto one another. I love them. I adore them. When they woke up, they both were refreshed and Monks seemed fine the rest of the day. Did not eat as much for dinner as he usually does, but still ate so I was happy.

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