Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Adrian Will Be Here Soon!

I got a call today from Tio and Tia and I was told I was on speaker phone and that it was baby news. I was told my nephew arrived and was 9 lbs 1 oz. I could not believe it! I seriously had tears start to fill my eyes and one ran down my cheek. I immediately asked when did she go into labor? Are you serious? I had about 6 questions I asked repeatedly and was so excited, my heart was dancing!

Exciting right? Before you awww let me tell you this.

It was a joke. Yep, a pure evil joke. A ha ha-got you-aren't I funny joke.

My response? Not. Funny. At. All. Tio thought he was just too cute. Jerk. I can't tell you exactly what I said because my son will one day read this. Lol. Such a punk I swear. My precious nephew is not here yet but....will be soon! Tia will be induced on the 11th (This Friday!) at 5:00ish p.m.. When I go to bed Saturday night I will have held his precious little body several times. I can't wait! I am going to be an aunt! Very soon! I have waited for this day for a long time! Keep her in your thoughts! Too exciting! My Monks and Pips will have a cousin. I will keep you posted! They will be wonderful parents and I know they can't wait to finally meet the sweet man!


  1. If people know me, then they'll know it was funny!

  2. i think it was just a tiny bit funny but i understand your frustration. ;)

    so excited for you! yay for babies!!
