Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our First Dentist Visit

Monks had his check-up yesterday! I was nervous he would be scared but he was so sweet! We went to the office and they have in the waiting room one of those little wooden toys with the beads you move on those twisty wires and he loves those so started to play with it. We waited maybe five minutes and he was called back. Pippa was eating so I told Devin to just go with him. I could hear some things they said from down the hall. He was maybe in the back for 15 minutes. I heard the nurse talking to him and showing him things and then I heard when the dentist went in. He excitedly greeted Monks and talked about why he was there and if he liked to brush his teeth and some other things. He sounded really animated and silly and on Aikman’s level. Devin said he did really well. He was hesitant to open his mouth wide at first but then he did. Dr. Broom showed him a mirror and I heard him say who is that in the mirror and Monks yelled “it’s Ache-uh-men!” and laughed. He played with the chair and raised him up high and I heard him say I high Daddy! He said his teeth looked great and he could tell he had not been put to bed with a bottle and explained the risks with that to their teeth. He also said he can still be using the fluoride free toothpaste and that he can brush twice a day. He said he did great and he was very pleased with his teeth. He also said he had so many teeth already. Do kids even teethe more? He said he does not have to come back for another year and that will just be a check-up also. I was very proud of him. He got to pick a prize from the basket and picked this bouncy ball. He was so excited to have it. When he came back down the hall he ran to me and said look momma, I got a ball! I said wasn’t that fun and he said mm hmm, I got a ball! He also told me I went high momma. I said you did and he said mm hmm, in tha chair! Lol. My precious baby is growing too fast! I was so pleased with the visit and even got compliments on his name. J

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