Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Update On My Pips

I cannot believe in 6 days my Pips will be 4 months old! It has flown by. She has been so much fun. I always dreaded having a girl but man oh man I can’t wait for all the fun times ahead we will have! Devin said he is already worried about how she will wrap him around her finger. She fits right in the family. J She sits up very well in her Bumbo and is really starting to get a tight hold on her toys that hang above her play mat. She has been sleeping through the night for a while which makes my morning routine so easy! I always have to wake her up to leave. She is growing so fast and finally has one pair of shoes that fit! Yes she has the tiniest feet and her newborn ones from Kids Village fit but they are giraffe print with pink satin trim. Yeah, they don’t go with too much! She has some little pink shoes that almost fit so hopefully by next month they will be perfect. She pretty much outgrew her 0-3 months and wears the 3-6 months. Some brands run small so she won’t last in those long. I am excited to see how much she weighs come her 4 month check up. She smiles all the time and loves to play with Aikman. She stares at him in the bath and then he turns and looks at her and she just laughs and laughs. She has a super sweet laugh. I have introduced cereal three times now, the first time she was too hungry so she just screamed since I couldn’t feed her fast enough. The second time went okay and then yesterday she did pretty well. She tilts her head back to get it all off the spoon since it’s so runny and smacks and smacks to get it all down. Too funny. I may hold off until mid December to give it on a regular basis but come that time, she may just be ready for some baby foods; we will talk to her doctor. She gets excited when she hears my voice when I walk in from work. We are still working on naps, she likes to sleep on you and will for hours at a time but that’s not possible lol. She falls asleep and we lay her down in her bed and she will sleep for about 10 minutes and then start to cry. I don’t know why. I thought maybe her room was too bright, but we have black curtains in it and they are the blackout type. She sleeps great at night in it so who knows! We will just get her in a routine of it and go from there. She is a billion times better in her car seat than she used to be. She used to scream the minute you buckled her in but now she is fine. She only cries in it when tired and once she gets her bottle she is out. Yay for that! She is just too perfect! I adore her and still can’t believe she is here sometimes. My baby girl.

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