Monday, November 7, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We converted Monk’s bed into a toddler bed! He is so proud of it and has yet to get out of it on his own. When he wakes up from a nap or bedtime he still yells for me and then when I walk in I say morning monkey and he says I want down and so I tell him okay, you can get down and he crawls out. This morning when waking up he said I want down so I said okay get down and as he stepped out his blankets started to fall to the floor and he said I get down from bed, my blankets stay here okay? I said okay, just push them back in the bed and he said to the blankets stay here okay, I get down. Lol. My big boy! So sweet to see him. I wanna cry seeing him lay there. FYI, we were washing sheets yesterday so that is why these pics show no sheets. My son does not just sleep on a mattress. J

1 comment:

  1. awww come on...let him sleep on a naked mattress so he can take after his dad! lol
