Friday, November 18, 2011

KIds Say The Darndest Things

I used to love that show so much. I would laugh forever thinking surely these sweet kids had to be coached before hand to give the answers they gave. Then I had kids and realized that even though he is only two, he says the funniest things sometimes. Here are just a few:

There was a mosquito on the wall the other night in our kitchen as we ate dinner. I said eww, what is that and Devin killed it. It fell on the table and Devin cleaned it up and Aikman asked was that a fly on the wall? I said it was a mosquito and Monks looked at it and said oh. He’s huge!

The other night Aikman was standing in front of Tia and we told him to be easy with her since she was still sore from the c-section (which means laughing hurts like a mother) and he just randomly said, while pointing at each, Tia, this is my butt and this my penis. She immediately started to laugh and grab her stomach and we all tried to not laugh too so she would not laugh harder. Totally random!

The other morning he woke up and we brought him in our room because we weren’t ready to get up yet. He then said my leg hurts. We asked which one and he said this one. Kiss it. Devin kissed his hurt leg. He then told me my other leg hurts, kiss it momma. I then kissed his other leg. He then laid back and patted us both and said thank you guys.

I went home for lunch today and we had Taco Bueno. I got Monks a bean burrito. He sat on the couch and asked for his bee-toe. I gave it to him and he ate it like a big boy, just holding it. After his first bite he said this is delicious momma! I said I am glad you like it and he said it’s so yummy. Best ever. Best in the whole world! Was he just starving? Lol. How sweet is that? Thanks Bueno cooks for making the best bean burrito ever for my son.

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