Tuesday, April 24, 2012

9 Months!

Sunday Pippa turned 9 months! Wow. I know your kids obviously bring you so much joy and their smiles and faces make your heart explode every time you see them, but man oh man, I wish you could feel what I feel when I look at her. I am not sure if it is because I can’t wait to have what I had with my mom or because when I look at her I see my mom at times or what, but she just kills me! Her smile is what I look forward to each morning. I just want to look at her all day and kiss her. She gives me the best kisses and I LOVE them! Don’t misunderstand me, Monks does the same things for me, but there is a huge difference in their personalities and obviously one is a boy and a girl so there is no comparison. I seriously never knew I could love a little girl like this. I will admit I am partial to boys; have been all my life. I was so scared when Dr. McCain said we were having a girl and now I can’t imagine anyone else but her in my arms. She is amazing. I laugh about it at times, but she is a lot like me and I already see that. Most is good lol I love how she is physically tough and Aikman can be rough with her and she won’t even cry but you make a noise that startles her and she will cry hysterically. She has an attitude at times and when she doesn’t like something, she will let you know. She can be very demanding and won’t stop until she gets her way. I don’t mean any of that in a negative way either. I honestly don’t want a little girl who is very passive and quiet and I definitely don’t have that in my Pips! Sorry to ramble, but meet this little girl and you will be in love too!

We have been introducing real fruits and vegetables to her lately and Sunday I decided to try a scrambled egg for breakfast. She tore it up! She had that and bananas. For lunch I fed her apricots with mixed fruit and cucumbers. I decided I would try a grilled cheese also and she played with it at first and then ate it. She ate a fourth of it. I was so excited because Aikman won’t eat them. Weird I know, but my monkey will not eat a grilled cheese and I love them so I was ecstatic!

She is still trying to crawl but not there yet. Let me rephrase that. I try to make her crawl but she won’t. She just wants to roll to get across the room. I put her up on all fours and she slides her legs down. I put them back and she gets mad at me. I do it again and she will just roll over each time and I have to set her back up. After several attempts, I know when she is done with it when she squeals and lays flat on her stomach and puts her head down. It is hilarious because her face on the carpet is just like “I admit defeat and am not crawling today.” There’s always tomorrow, right?

Happy 9 Months Pippa! You are my world!

Gilled cheese
I am getting better at doing her hair!

She adores Aikman so much and he makes her laugh constantly. They are so sweet together! Oh how I love my babies!
This was her Sunday morning. She is always undoing those and holds onto them.

After her bath Sunday night.



  1. My lil Pipsqueak is the best! I love how she is always ready to flash a smile at me. I hope she stays the only girl in our family. And she has like 10 cousins and 1 big brother to look after her.

  2. She sure is! I hope so too. I can't wait!
