Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend Update!

Friday I got off at noon and went home to pick everyone up to do some shopping. We ate lunch, went to buy paint for our bedroom, looked at new sheds, looked at Home Depot, got the car washed, went to Target and after all that running around it was 6:00! We went home and ate dinner and Pete came over and we just hung out. It had been a very busy day and with Easter weekend coming up, it was only going to get busier!

Saturday we met Tio and Tia at their church to help Tia decorate for a baby shower she was throwing that afternoon. I had planned on going to buy Aikman a new Easter shirt, but we ran out of time and before we knew it, it was time for our Easter lunch! With everyone’s schedule nowadays, it is so hard to find a time where we can all be together and so this was it! Pete and Phil met us at Tio and Tia’s and we ate brisket, potato salad, coleslaw, beans and macaroni salad. It was so good. We then left to take Aikman to an Easter egg hunt. I was so disappointed because I thought it started at 2:30, turns out it started at 1 and ended at 2:30. I was so upset but we did make it out there for 30 minutes. Aikman got to ride a train, jump in some air castles and participate in an egg hunt. He also saw the Easter bunny so that made his day! He had a great time even if we were only there for 30 minutes. Pips just watched it all from the sidelines. J I planned on doing a little more running around and going to one more hunt, but you could tell it was going to rain and we babysat Adrian for a few hours so decided to just hang out at home since he and Pippa were sleepy. It worked out great and we still had fun. I then bathed the kids and put them to bed to get ready for Easter morning!

How much do you love this outfit? I am sad though because I bought it before she was born, and it is 6-9 month, and the pants barely went over her thighs lol

Riding train. He was SO precious just talking to this little boy who sat with him. They would just be laughing as they rode around. I just know he will be that very social little guy when he starts school.

Daddy and Aikman in the blue
His loot. Bless his heart, there were parents everywhere grabbing eggs and candy for their kids and just dragging the child along. Aikman was so proud of what he got because he did it all on his own! He told me "Look Momma, I got lots!"

Sunday we woke up and went to church with Tio and Tia. Devin stayed home and slept since he had worked the night before. I waited to give Aikman his Easter basket and other gifts until after church so that Devin could be there. When church let out, we went home and picked up Devin and all the baskets and went to Tio and Tia’s. Pete and Phil met us there too and we ate leftovers and watched the kids (well Aikman really) open their baskets. I did not take a picture of Adrian’s, sorry. It was cute though. Aikman loved everything! He got so much! We then went home and took naps and then when we were all awake, went outside to play with Aikman’s bubble mower. I was a little disappointed I did not do more for Aikman and my family, but it was a great weekend and he had a blast, which is all that really matters. I am STILL finding confetti in my car and house from the cascarones (confetti eggs).

Thank you Pete and Phil for the stuffed bunnies and Big Tio and Tia Nett for the stuffed animals and Easter bag. They love them! I combined everything in the pics below. 

Pips's Loot: stuffed animals, shoes, crazy amount of candy, teething ring, baby food, Bible Stories book, Gerber cookies, rice krispie treat.  

Monks's Loot: stuffed animals, crazy insane amount of candy, bubbles, a bubble mower, silly putty, monkey rice krispie treat.

Aren't we precious!


Post-cascarone. She was like um, what was that. Never cried though!
Apollo even got in on the fun!

Loves his mower!

Hilarious story: Monks could not understand the concept of smashing a cascarone on someone’s head. We tried to show him, tell him, assist him-nothing worked. The first time we tried to get him to get Phil, he seemed to understand what we were telling him and so when Phil walked up, we waited and oh my goodness, Aikman just threw the egg at Phil’s head as hard as he could. It was like a fast pitch. The egg bounced off his glasses and landed on the ground without breaking. I don’t know how long we laughed for. It was priceless! So anytime we knew he had an egg, we tried to turn our face away so it would not hurt too bad when we were assaulted with his curveball. Crazy Monks. Sigh.

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