Monday was Tio’s 33 birthday! We all celebrated together
Tuesday evening with dinner and cake and presents and fun. Poor Jenny cooked
for about 3 hours straight! He requested flautas (one of the things my mom made
he loves). We also had salsa, sour cream and guacamole for dipping. We had
queso, beans, cilantro lime rice and chips. It was all so good! In the words of
Aikman, it was so mad good. The cake she made was a new recipe and it was an Italian
crème cake with the best icing ever. Think cheesecake and Italian crème cake.
Wow. Aikman told Jenny it was the best cake he had ever had. It was so nice
being together one last time. I know, I know, we aren’t dying, Tio and Tia and
Adrian are just moving. Away. Far away. We can’t just get together whenever we
want. Anyway, that is a different post. I will focus on the happy. Pete and
Phil were both off which worked out great. They also brought their friend Kiefer
who we have known since they were all in sixth grade. Crazy how long ago that
seems. Monks has been around him before but was his BFF last night. He wanted
to sit by him, share with him, play with him and joke with him. Anyway, we ate,
laughed and cried. Well, Adrian shed tears when he hit his head on the floor
inside a tent. He had a huge knot, poor guy. Tio opened his presents and got a
CD, gift cards, cash, a beard comb and beard wax, jellybeans and hot sauce. We
had ordered this bottle online called the hottest sauce in the universe. They
make it with ghost chilies and the reviews I read said people have gone to the
ER after ingesting too much at once. Could be fake, but I was scared. Tio tried
one drop on a chip and said yeah, it was hot and it creeped up on you as time
passed. He blew his nose at one point and said his nose burned. Phil was the
only other one to try it and he said it was hot too. That was one small drop.
Eek! Scary! Pippa ate so much! She had thirds on her little plate. I looked
over once and she was eating her queso with her spoon. Wow. Lol. Sweet baby
girl. The kids then started watching Lorax. We had to leave at 8 so I could do
baths and Devin had to get ready for work. Thanks for a great evening everyone!
Especially Jenny for all her hard work and Mike for being born!

The boys brought him those balloons. Super cute huh? |
Adorable! |
Cake time! |
Sorry for the weird glare. |
Pips chillin with Kiefer. Adrian hopped up there too after a few minutes. |