Friday, March 1, 2013

Movie Nights!

The last two nights we have picked up movies from Red Box. We had drinks, popcorn and some candy. We watched:

Hotel Transylvania-we all LOVED it! Pippa even sat through it! They would laugh and Pippa would point when something cute was on the TV. The girl’s name in it was Mavis and I am in love with it! I am trying to get Mike and Jenny to name their daughter that. So far, they aren’t down. Oh well, this aunt can wish right? It had more of a story to it than I expected which made it great for adults and the kids still followed it and loved the characters. We will def be buying it.

Devin and I also got some movie that was supposed to be one of those that makes fun of other movies but it was HORRIBLE! I know they are made to be cheesy and silly, but this one totally sucked. I don’t even remember the name of it and no one real was in it so that was our first clue. We wasted an hour and twenty minutes of our lives. Lol. The kids of course were already in bed when we watched it.

Paranorman-Devin and Monks watched this Thursday during the day and he said it was just eh. He said it was too adult for Aikman to really follow and wasn’t very funny or that cute. Monks didn’t say too much about it.

Frankenweenie-we watched this Thursday night and I really fell asleep watching it. It wasn’t that cute and it really is in all black and white. It’s a Tim Burton film, which I love Nightmare Before Christmas, but this one wasn’t that great (what I saw lol) The kids sat and watched it but neither of them really laughed or anything. He brings a dog back from the dead so Monks kept asking what he was doing and why. One guy talked funny so they seemed to like him but that was it.

The Amazing Spider-Man-I didn’t watch it all as I was getting stuff ready for today but Monks seemed to like what he saw. I prefer the ones with Tobey Maguire over this one. I thought the lizard guy was kind of scary too but Monks enjoyed him. Pippa only saw the very beginning and then it was time for baths and bedtime. Monks missed the last thirty minutes or so since he had school today. Devin said he preferred the other ones too. It was still fun to see. 

The kids watching and eating popcorn
So sweet. They LOVE popcorn too!
Sweet things. 
She was kneeling watching. She looks so cute there to me! Sorry for the weird light, we were in the dark and that was just from my flash. 

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